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- Abstract:
This article, for the first time ever, features excerpts from the correspondence between experts on the Russian Schism, Elizaveta Molostvova and Alexander Prugavin, that reveal two outlooks on Alexander Dobrolyubov’s life. This evidence from the poet’s contemporaries is notable for its declared difference in interpretations of Dobrolyubov’s life choices in the framework of the development of the God-Man/Man-God dialectic conflict, which is one of the key conflicts in the Russian symbolist literature.
- Keywords: A.M. Dobrolubov, E.V. Molostvova, A.S. Prugavin, literature and religion
- For citation:
Sluzhaeva Olga. Two outlooks on Alexander Dobrolubov’s life: Selections from the correspondence between experts on religious sects Elizaveta Molostvova and Alexander Prugavin. Literary fact, 2018, no. 9, pp. 57–65.
- References:
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