- DOI:
- УДК / UDK: 821.161.1
- Issue:
- Abstract:
The paper provides archival and little-known materials that extend the information on the early period of Vladimir Gippius’ biography. In letters to his acquaintance, Matilda Menzel, he shares his thoughts on A.M. Dobrolyubov, on his first book, talks about studying at the university. In addition to personal letters, documents concerning Gippius’ service in the Department of Spiritual Affairs and university period are introduced into scientific circulation, facts about his first marriage are reported. The information presented in the paper is also important because Gippius placed all the facts of his personal biography in the broad perspective of Russian Decadence and Symbolism, creating his own autobiographical myth, which was determined by the following main stages: overcoming Decadence, then returning to decadence, the path from unbelief to faith, from “reaction” to “revolution”. Materials of Gippius’ personal fund in the Pushkin House, as well as to his service documents (RGIA) allow to clarify, correct and supplement the known facts of his biography. They also partly shed light on the internal plot of this biographical canvas — relations with A.M. Dobrolyubov, Gippius' departure from Decadence, which occurred largely under the influence of the Merezhkovskys.
- Keywords: Vladimir Gippius, Alexander Dobrolyubov, Decadence, Symbolism, archives, epistolary heritage, biographical studies, memoirs.
- For citation:
Rykunina Yulia. On the biography of Vladimir Gippius. Literaturnyi fakt, 2020, no. 1 (15), pp. 193 – 212.
DOI 10.22455/2541-8297-2020-15-193-212
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