- DOI:
- EDN:
- УДК / UDK: 821.161.1.0
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- Abstract:
The paper is devoted to the review of books from the library of outstanding Pushkin scholar Mstislav Alexandrovich Tsiavlovskii (1883‒1947) and his wife Tatiana Grigorievna (1897‒1978), and provides information about the history of the library, its role in the scholar and cultural life of Moscow, based on the memoirs of contemporaries, archival materials stored in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, and other printed sources. The article describes a small but significant part of the collection of books belonging to the Tsiavlovskys, with ownership and donation inscriptions, and analyzes the inscriptions and the relationship of their authors with the owners of the library. After T.G. Tsiavlovskaya’s death a significant part of the archive, books and personal belongings were transferred by a longtime friend of the family K.P. Bogaevskaya to the Alexander Pushkin State Museum on Prechistenka. A review of the collection of books in the museum collection includes information on the sources of Tsiavlovsky’s books to the museum. “With hope for his future works on Pushkin,” Tatiana Grigorievna addressed one of the books to the historian Nathan Yakovlevich Eidelman, who later became a famous Pushkin scholar and a close friend of the museum. Among the editions that belonged to him, two copies with stamped exlibris of M.A. Tsiavlovsky were purchased. The article also provides information about some books, reprints of articles from printed editions, abstracts of dissertations — with grateful inscriptions to Tatiana Grigorievna by folklorist A.V. Gurevich, artist N.V. Kuzmin, literary critic, textual critic, and Pushkin scholar N.V. Izmailov, literary critic and Pushkin scholar L.S. Sidyakov and others. Except for the inscript addressed by T.G. Tsiavlovskaya to A.Z. Krein, included in the catalog “Autograph Books in the A.Z. Krein Library,” all the autographs are published for the first time.
- Keywords: M.A. Tsiavlovskii, T.G. Tsiavlovskaya, A.Z. Krein, K.P. Bogaevskaya, N.V. Baranskaya, N.Ya. Eidelman, N.V. Kuzmin, N.V. Izmailov, R.V. Ovchinnikov, N.N. Petrunina, The Alexander Pushkin State Museum, autographs on books.
- For citation:
Asnina, O.V. “Books from the Library of M.A. and T.G. Tsiavlovskii in the Collection of the Alexander Pushkin State Museum.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 1 (31), 2024, pp. 337–346. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.22455/2541-8297-2024-31-337-346
- References:
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