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2024 №31

Author: Tatyana N. Stepanova
About the author:

Tatyana N. Stepanova — Head of the Literary and Memorial Museum of Al. Altaev, a branch of the State Military Historical Museum-Reserve, Lositsy village, Plyussky district, Pskov region, Russia.


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We dedicate the publication of a fragment of the fictionalized autobiography of Lyudmila Andreevna Yamshchikova-Dmitrieva (1893‒1978), “Aktrisa” (“The Actress”), to her memory and her 130th anniversary. Another forgotten name that did not continue the ancestral branch of its famous ancestors Rokotov and Tolstoy. She left no descendants, was a dramatic actress and writer, made a certain contribution to Russian historical prose for young people in the first half of the 20th century and memorably served the theater, playing the main roles in plays of classical and modern repertoire. According to the memoirs of the playwright V.S. Rozov, who personally knew Lyudmila Andreevna and her mother, Margarita Vladimirovna Yamshchikova (1872‒1959), known in literature under the pseudonym Al. Altaev, Lyudmila shone on the provincial stage for about thirty years, quietly, imperceptibly died within the walls of the Leningrad House of Veterans of the Scene, named after her unforgettable teacher M.G. Savina. In literature, Lyudmila Andreevna performed under the pseudonym Art. Felice: that was the name of the “Ovod” (“Gadfly”) in the novel of the same name by E. Voynich, wrote books from the history of England, Italy, and the Netherlands, small biographies for children about great scientists, inventors, was a co-author of her mother in several works. The manuscript “Aktrisa” (“The Actress”), a fragment of which is offered to readers, has two copies. They are kept in the Altaev Memorial Fund (Coll. 1370) and in the fund of the Altaev Literary Memorial Museum, which is located in the village of Lositsy in the Plyussky district of the Pskov region, in the former Log estate. Lyudmila Yamshchikova herself did not intend for the manuscript “The Actress” to be published, but for those who are engaged in the history of the Russian provincial theater, this material will be very useful both in historical and research terms.

Keywords: Lyudmila Yamshchikova, Al. Altaev, Al. Altaev Museum, Log Manor, Art. Felice, V.D. Rokotov, A.N. Tolstaya.
For citation:

“Art. Felice. Memories of the Actress (Lyudmila Andreevna Yamshchikova-Dmitrieva: On the 130th Anniversary),” introd. article, text prep. and notes by T.N. Stepanova. Literaturnyi fakt, no. 1 (31), 2024, pp. 32–51. (In Russ.)


1. Istoriia roda Tolstykh — istoriia Rossii. Katalog vystavki [The History of the Tolstoy Family as the History of Russia. Exhibition Catalog], comp. by L.G. Agamalian. Tula, Iasnaia Poliana Publ., 2008. 516 p. (In Russ.)

2. Dmitrieva, E.E. Literaturnye zamki Evropy i russkii “usadebnyi tekst” na izlome vekov: (1880–1930-e gody) [Literary Castles of Europe and the Russian “Manor Text” at the Turn of the Century: (1880s–1930s)]. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2020. 765 p. (In Russ.)

3. Dmitrieva, E.E. “Te, chto stoiat v liturgii riadom. Kniga Al. Altaeva ʽGdovshchina’.” [“Those Who Stand Next to Each Other in the Liturgy. ʽGdovshchina’ by Al. Altaev”]. Novyi mir, no. 2, 2021, pp. 149–160. (In Russ.)

4. Litvinov, V.M. Al. Altaev: Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva Al. Altaeva (M.V. Iamshchikovoi) [Al. Altaev: An Essay on the Life and Work of Al. Altaev (M.V. Yamshchikova)]. 2nd ed., add. Moscow, Detskaia literatura Publ., 1973. 158 p. (In Russ.)

5. Stepanova, T.N. “Aktrisa, doch’ i soavtor Al. Altaeva” [“Actress, Daughter and Co-Author of Al. Altaev”]. Trudy Pskovskogo muzeia-zapovednika [Proceedings of the Pskov Museum-Reserve], issue 1. Pskov, [S. n.], 1994, pp. 31–39. (In Russ.)

6. Stepanova, T.N. “Altaeva Al. (M.V. Iamshchikovoi) literaturno-memorial’nyi dom-muzei” [“Altaev Al. (M.V. Yamshchikova) Literary and Memorial House-Museum”]. Literaturnye muzei Rossii. Entsiklopediia [Literary Museums of Russia. Encyclopedia]. Moscow, State Literary Museum Publ., 2022, pp. 43–44. (In Russ.)

7. Stepanova, T.N. “Gorinevskaia Ol’ga Konstantinovna” [“Gorinevskaya Olga Konstantinovna”]. Literaturnye muzei Rossii. Entsiklopediia [Literary Museums of Russia. Encyclopedia]. Moscow, State Literary Museum Publ., 2022, pp. 259–260. (In Russ.)

8. [Stepanova, T.N.] Iz istorii doma v Logu: Sbornik materialov k 50-letiiu literaturnomemorial’nogo muzeia Al. Altaeva [From the History of the House in the Log: A Collection of Materials for the 50th Anniversary of Al. Altaev Literary Memorial Museum]. St. Petersburg, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities Publ., 2017. 143 p. (In Russ.)

9. Stepanova, T.N. “Log. Literaturno-memorial’nyi muzei Al. Altaeva” [“Log. Al. Altaev Literary Memorial Museum”]. Ermitazh, no. 21, 2015, pp. 200–205. (In Russ.)

10. Stepanova, T.N. “Osnovnaia geroinia” [“The Main Character”]. Monomakh, no. 3, 2016, pp. 51–54. (In Russ.)

11. Stepanova, T.N. “Ul’ianovsk. Sezon 1926–1927” [“Ulyanovsk. The 1926–1927 Season”]. Simbirsk, no. 6, 2016, pp. 21–36. (In Russ.)

12. Tolstoi, I.N. “Altaev Al.” [“Altaev Al.”]. Russkie pisateli. 1800–1917. Biograficheskii slovar’ [Russian Writers. 1800–1917. Biographical Dictionary]. Moscow, Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia Publ., 1989, pp. 50–51. (In Russ.)