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2022 №25

Author: NataliaV. Mikhalenko
About the author:

Natalia V. Mikhalenko — PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia.


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In the early work of V.V. Mayakovsky, the images of the estate and the dacha were usually interpreted in a humorous way, associated with the bygone noble life. However, it was in Kuokkala, Levashovo near Petrograd, that the poet wrote significant parts of the poems “Cloud in pants” and “Mystery Buff.” Dacha life in Pushkino near Moscow together with L.Yu. and O.M. Brik in the summer of 1920–1929 also contributed to his creativity. This place is mentioned in the title of “An extraordinary adventure...”, the events of this work unfold there. The plots of the poems “Attitude to the young Lady,” “In the Heine way,” “Dacha Case” etc. are associated with a summer pastime. Individual chapters of the poem “Good!” were first read at the dacha in the summer of 1927. The materials of the poet’s notebooks no. 8 (January–May 1921) and no. 15 (January–June 1922), provided by the V.V. Mayakovsky State Museum, form the basis of the research. The article examines the work on the poems of 1920 and the poem “The Fifth International,” which most vividly reflected the features of the poet’s village life. Fragments of notebook texts are published for the first time.

Keywords: V.V. Mayakovsky, L.Y. Brik, Pushkino, “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha,” Mayakovsky’s notebooks no. 8, no. 15.
For citation:

Mikhalenko, N.V. “The Poetosphere of the Dacha in V.V. Mayakovsky’s Works.Literaturnyi fakt, no. 3 (25), 2022, pp. 233–251. (In Russ.)


1. Brik, L.Iu. Pristrastnye rasskazy: Vospominaniia, dnevniki, pis’ma [Biased Stories: Memoirs, Diaries, Letters]. N. Novgorod, Dekom Publ., 2003. 324 p. (In Russ.)

2. Briukhanenko, N.A. “Perezhitoe” [“Experienced”]. Imia etoi teme: liubov’!: Sovremennitsy o Maiakovskom [The Name of this Topic is Love!: Contemporaries about Mayakovsky], comp., introd., comment. by V.V. Katanian. Moscow, Druzhba narodov Publ., 1993, pp. 180–187. (In Russ.)

3. Zimenkov, A.P. “‘Neobychainoe prikliuchenie…’ V. Maiakovskogo v tekstologicheskom rakurse” [“‘An Extraordinary Adventure...’ by V. Mayakovsky in a Textual Perspective”]. Kornienko, N.V., editor. Tekstologicheskii vremennik. Russkaia literatura XX veka. Voprosy tekstologii i istochnikovedeniia [Almanac for Textual Studies. Russian Literature of the 20th Century. Questions of Textual and Source Studies]. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2009, pp. 291–302. (In Russ.)

4. Katanian, V.V. Lilia Brik: Zhizn’ [ Lilya Brik: Life]. Moscow, Zakharov Publ., 2002. 287 p. (In Russ.)

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11. Mikhalenko, N.V. “O rabote V.V. Maiakovskogo nad tekstami k plakatam (po materialam zapisnykh knizhek)” [“On the Work of Vladimir Mayakovsky with Poster Texts (According to his Notebooks)”]. Literaturnyi fakt, no. 2 (24), 2022, pp. 37–53. (In Russ.)

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Acknowledgements: The research was carried out in the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 22-18-00051.