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2022 №25

Author: Victoria N. Toropova
About the author:

Victoria N. Toropova — Independent researcher, Sergey Durylin’s biographer and his works researcher, the author of articles and monographs about him and his circle, Durylin Award winner, Moscow, Russia.

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The article is the first publication of the correspondence between Nikolay Ashukin and Sergey Durylin, who were contemporaries. Being both from the same social medium they studied at the Archaeological Institute and began writing poetry in the 1910s. They started travelling around Russia using the same routes and seemed to have similar fates. But their intents were different from the very beginning: a religious search for Durylin, an “ethnographic” for Ashukin. Theу were drifted apart after the October Revolution and the Civil War. Durylin became a priest in 1920, then experienced arrests, exile, “internal emigration,” but did not give up his writing and educational activities. Ashukin, on the other hand, becoming a successful Soviet literature official lost himself in the petty publishing work as a compiler, introductory articles author, textual critic, bibliographer and text commentator and stopped writing poetry and prose in fact. All evident of this split from their correspondence: it gradually became more and more rare, less cordial and more businesslike. The correspondence is accompanied by a commentary.

Keywords: Nikolay Ashukin, Sergey Durylin, forgotten writers, poets’ correspondence.
For citation:

Toropova, V.N. “Two Lives, Two Destinies: the Pages of Correspondence between Nikolay Ashukin and Sergey Durylin.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 3 (25), 2022, pp. 58–109. (In Russ.) 


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2. Bessonov, V.A. Dom s mezoninom v Zamoskvorech’e [The House with the Mezzanine in Zamoskvorechie]. Moskovskii zhurnal, no. 11, November, 2013, pp. 42–55. (In Russ.)

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4. Gippius, Z.N. Svetloe ozero. Dnevnik [The Bright Lake. A Diary]. Gippius, Z.N. Sobranie sochinenii: v 15 t. [Collected Works: in 15 vols.], vol. 3. Moscow, Russkaia kniga Publ., 2001. 576 p. (In Russ.)

5. Durylin, S.N. V rodnom uglu [In My own Corner]. Moscow, Nikeia Publ., 2017. 592 p. (In Russ.)

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8. Durylin, S.N. “Iz ‘Oloneckikh zapisok’.” [“From ‘The Olonets Notes’.”], publ., comm., introd. by M.A. Rashkovskaya. Nashe nasledie, no. 100, 2011, pp. 133–155. (In Russ.)

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10. Durylin, S.N. Rus’ prikrovennaia [Conceales Rus], comp., introd. by Sergei Fomin. Moscow, Palomnik Publ., 2000. 336 p. (In Russ.)

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13. Durylin, S.N. “Troitskie zapiski. Dnevnik” [“The Troitsk Notes. A Diary”], publ., notes by A.I. Reznichenko, T.N. Rezvykh. Nashe nasledie, no. 116, 2015, pp. 74–103; no. 117, 2016, pp. 94–111; no. 118, 2016, pp. 82–107. (In Russ.)

14. S.N. Durylin i ego vremia: Issledovaniia. Teksty. Bibliografiia [ Sergey Durylin and His Time: Research. Texts. Bibliography], book 1: Issledovania [Research], comp., ed., foreword by Anna Reznichenko. Moscow, Modest Kolerov Publ., 2010. 512 p. (In Russ.)

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17. Nesterov, M.V. Davnie dni [ Old Days]. Moscow, Iskusstvo Publ., 1959. 400 p. (In Russ.)

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20. Pastyr’ dobryi. Zhizn’ i trudy moskovskogo startsa protoiereia Alekseia Mecheva [A Good Shepherd. Life and Works of the Moscow Elder Archpriest Alexey Mechev], comp. by S. Fomin. Moscow, Serda-Press Publ., 2000. 778 p. (In Russ.)

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22. Rashkovskii, E.B., Rashkovskaia, M.A. “‘Kafolicheskaia krasota.’ Pis’ma S.N. Bulgakova S.N. Durylinu” [“‘Catholic Beauty.” Sergey Bulgakov’s Letters to Sergey Durylin”]. Rashkovskii, E.B. Professiia — istoriograf: materialy k istorii rossiiskoi mysli i kul’tury XX stoletiia [The Profession of Historiographer: Materials for the History of Russian Thought and Culture of the 20th Century]. Novosibirsk, Sibirskii khronograf Publ., 2001, pp. 42–58. (In Russ.)

23. Sergei Nikolaevich Durylin: bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ trudov (1906 –2016) [Sergey Nikolaevich Durylin: Bibliographic Index of Works], ed. and comp. by L.L. Maiants, bibliogr. ed. by V.A. Pisarev. Moscow, State Historic Public Library of Russia Publ., 2021. 234 p. (In Russ.)

24. Toropova, V.N. Sergei Durylin. Samostoianie [ Sergey Durylin. Self-identification]. Moscow, Molodaia Gvardiia Publ., 2014. 349 p. (In Russ.)

25. Khodasevich, V.F. Sobranie sochinenii: v 4 t. [Collected Works: in 4 vols.], vol. 1: Stikhotvoreniia. Literaturnaia kritika 1906 –1922 [Poems. Litetary Crititicism of 1906–1922], comp., text prep. by I.P. Andreeva, S.G. Bocharov, comment. by I.P. Andreeva, N.A. Bogomolov. Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 1996. 592 p. (In Russ.)