- DOI:
- УДК / UDK: 821.161.1.0
- Issue:
- Abstract:
Authors of the publication introduce a fragment of the chapter from Remizov’s manuscript “At the Evening Dawn” into scientific circulation. It was based on the original writer ‘s letters to S.P. Remisova-Dovgello and was created by Remizov during second half of the 1940s. The manuscript is a draft of the biographical prose, reflecting Remizov’s reception of to the events that occured 20 years ago from the perspective of his refugee experience. This is why many of the subjects and characteristics of contemporaries mentioned in the letters of 1927 are supplemented and modified by the writer. This type of redaction can be seen in comparison with the original text of the letters given by publishers in the Appendix. Both corpora of letters provide rich material for reconstruction of the history of Russian emigration and creative biography of Remizov. Comments to the text of the manuscript are based on rare, previously unpublished archival materials and are supplemented by new biographical data of a number of persons connected with Remizov and his wife.
- Keywords: Russian emigration, literary life, writer’s biography, bibliography, A.M. Remisov; S.P. Remisov-Dovgello.
- For citation:
Remizov, Alexey. “ʽAt the Evening Dawn.’ A Chapter from the Manuscript. Letters to S.P. Remizova-Dovgello. 1927” (Ending), comm. by E.R. Obatnina, text prep. by E.R. Obatnina and A.S. Uryupina. Literaturnyi fakt, no. 4 (22), 2021, pp. 8–48. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.22455/2541-8297-2021-22-8-48
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