
2018 №8

Author: Mark G. Altschuller
About the author:

Mark G. Altschuller, Ph.D., professor emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, USA.

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The present article focuses on four books from the author’s personal library. These books are collections of poems by brilliant Russian poets, the most famous ones in the 1960s and later. The author discusses the editorial history of these books, the way these rare and precious copies ended up on his bookshelf, as well as the people he was friends with during that time.

Keywords: Boris Pasternak, Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam, Anna Akhmatova, “Poet's Library”.
For citation:

Altschuller Mark G. Habent sua fata libelli et homines (Memoir and bibliographical notes). Literary fact, 2018, no. 8, pp. 334–356.


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Dryzhakova E.N. “Antileninskaia kontseptsiia” tvorchestva Gertsena v moei dissertatsii 1960 goda (Stranichki vospominanii) [“Anti-Lenin conception” of Herzen’s works in my dissertation of 1960 (pages from memoirs)]. Pamiati Gertsena: Sb. [In memory of Herzen: A collection of essays]. Tver, 2012, pp. 96–102. (In Russ.)

Iz istorii izdaniia «Stikhotvorenii i poem» Borisa Pasternaka v «Biblioteke poeta» (1962–1965) [From the publication history of Boris Pasternak’s “Poems” in the “Poet’s Library” series (1962–1965)], publ. by E.M. Gushanskaya and I.S. Kuz'michev. Ezhegodnik rukopisnogo otdela Pushkinskogo doma na 2016 god [Pushkin House Manuscript Department Annual for 2016]. St. Petersburg, Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., 2017, pp. 760–828. (In Russ.)

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