
2018 №8

Author: Ioanna B. Delektorskaya
About the author:

Ioanna B. Delektorskaya, PhD, senior research associate, Pushkin State Museum (Andrey Bely Memorial Apartment), Moscow.

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The article provides a comparative analysis of B.K. Zaitsev’s essay “Life with Gogol” and Andrei Bely’s research and autobiographical texts concerning Gogol. The results show that a number of parallels in Zaitsev’s and Bely’s opinions on Gogol is based on experience of reading Gogol's prose in childhood and adolescence, typical for their generation. Different views of the late 1920's — early 1930's were conditioned by the ideological differences between Bely and Zaitsev. Particular attention is paid to the title of B.K. Zaitsev’s essay — unconsciously, but successfully found designation of the particular variant of autobiography which Andrei Bely had been mastered for many years.

Keywords: Andrei Bely, Boris Zaitsev, Nikolai Gogol, autobiography, experience of reading , creative life.
For citation:

Delektorskaya Ioanna B. “Life with Gogol” as a variant of autobiography (On Boris Zaitsev’s title and Andrei Bely’s creative life). Literary fact, 2018, no. 8, pp. 246–256.


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