
2018 №8

Author: Abram I. Reitblat
About the author:

Abram I. Reitblat, PhD, “New Literary Review” / Russian State Library of Arts, Moscow, Russia.

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Author 2: Vladimir A. Shkerin
About the author 2:

Vladimir A. Shkerin, Doctor Hab., RAS Ural Branch Institute of History and Archeology, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

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The article introduces the biography and characterizes works of Feoktist Andreevich Ulegov (1803–1830), the former serf of Ural manufacturers Demidovs. His book “The Guest Court of Russian Literature” (1830), which contained a pamphlet allegorical (in the form of a dream) depiction of contemporary Russian journalism, literature, historical science and philosophy, aroused a noisy scandal and discussion in the press at the time.

Keywords: Russian literature of the first third of the XIX century, F.A. Ulegov, S.D. Nechaev, N.A. Polevoy, Demidovs, mining Urals.
For citation:

Reitblat Abram I., Shkerin Vladimir A. Feoktist Ulegov, author of “The Guest Court of Russian Literature”. Literary fact, 2018, no. 8, pp. 112–129.


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