- DOI:
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- Abstract:
The publication includes J.G. Oksman's reports and notes on questions of textual criticism, first published on transcripts (Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and author's autographs (RGALI). The introductory article, based on the materials of the scientist's personal archival found, his correspondence with colleagues and other sources, tells about the evolution of the scientist's views on the value and tasks of textology, about his own parennial practice, about his participation in the preparation of academic editions of the A.S.Pushkin's, A.I. Herzen's, V.G. Belinsky's, I.S. Turgenev's heritage, about his experience of solution of textual tasks.
- Keywords: J.G. Oksman, A.S. Pushkin, A.I. Herzen, V.G. Belinsky, I.S. Turgenev, textual criticism.
- For citation:
Frolov Maxim. “The great experience is accumulated, but not generalized…”: Unpublished reports and notes by J.G. Oksman. Literary fact, 2018, no. 9, pp. 384–436.
- References:
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