
2018 №9

Author: Gennadii Obatnin
About the author:

Gennadii Obatnin, PhD, university lecturer, University of Helsinki, Finland.

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The article discusses the activities of the Psycho-Neurological Institute in the pre-revolutionary period of its existence as a condition for promoting of the cultural and literary interests of its students. In this regard, the features of the teaching process, such as the inviting of opposition professors who encouraged the organization of student circles, the absence of a percentage rate for Jews in admission and the admission of female students, are considered. Particular attention is paid to the student press, vividly responding to the events of the academic, metropolitan, and Russian life.

Keywords: student life, the history of high education in Russia, PsychoNeurological Institute.
For citation:

Obatnin Gennadii. From the literary life of educational institutions (on the example of the Psycho-Neurological Institute in St. Petersburg, 1908–1917). Literary fact, 2018, no. 9, pp. 124–169.


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