
2018 №9

Author: Elena Glukhovskaya
About the author:

Elena Glukhovskaya, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Vice Dean of the Department of Art History, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia.

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The article is devoted to the history of interaction of M.S. Shaginyan with the publishing house “Musaget”. The materials of archival sources reveal Shaginyan’s participation in the distribution of books “Musaget” and the publication of their reviews in the provincial newspapers in 1914–1915. There can be seen the evolution of Shaginyan’s attitude to the tasks of “Musaget” and its value for the Russian culture of the beginning of the 20th century. The marketing strategy of the publishing house and the reception of released books is specified among the provincial readers.

Keywords: M.S. Shaginyan, N.P. Kiselev, E.K. Medtner, publishing house “Musaget”, the provincial press, marketing.
For citation:

Glukhovskaya Elena. Marietta Shaginyan’s “sweet interventions in the ‘Musaget’ schedule”. Literary fact, 2018, no. 9, pp. 79–96.


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