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2021 №21

Author: Roman D. Timenchik
About the author:

Roman D. Timenchik — PhD in Philology, Professor Emeritus, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus, 91905 Jerusalem, Israel.

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Articles from the author’s cycle “From the Name Index to Akhmatova's Notebooks” demonstrate the experience of extensive commentary on Akhmatova's working notes, organized around the names of characters entered on her notebooks’ pages. It is a kind of free Akhmatova encyclopedia, where the onomasticon combines different times of her long life. This (fifty-first in the cycle) article is organized around the “German theme” and is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding philologist Konstantin Azadovsky and concerns the characters, one way or another, touched upon in his scientific works. These are poets-Germanophones (V. Zubov, R.M. Rilke), translators of Akhmatova's poems into German (I. von Gunther, Felix Zelinsky, Frans Leschnitzer, Maximilian Schick), a German visitor (Heinrich Böll).

Keywords: Anna Akhmatova, Notebooks, translation, German, Konstantin Azadovsky, Valentin Zubov, Rainer Maria Rilke, Hans Gunther, Felix Zelinsky, Franz Leschnitzer, Maximilian Schick, Heinrich Böll.
For citation:

Timenchik, R. “From the Name Index to Akhmatova's Notebooks: To German.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 3 (21), 2021, pp. 326–351. (In Russ.)  


1. Azadovskii, K.M. “Genrikh Bell' i sovetskie ‘dissidenty’.” [“Heinrich Böll and the Soviet ‘Dissidents’.”]. Azadovskii, K. Siuzhety i sud'by. Nemetsko-russkie otrazheniia [Plots and Destinies. German-Russian Reflections]. Moscow, Litfakt Publ., 2019, pp. 284–301. (In Russ.)

2. Azadovskii, K.M. “Maksimilian Shik i ego pis'ma iz Germanii (1903 –1907)” [“Maximilian Schick and his letters from Germany (1903 –1907)”]. Azadovskii, K. Siuzhety i sud'by. Nemetsko-russkie otrazheniia [ Plots and Destinies. German-Russian Reflections]. Moscow, Litfakt Publ., 2019, pp. 140–167. (In Russ.)

3. Bogomolov, N.A. Vokrug “Serebrianogo veka”: Stat'i i materialy [Around the “Silver Age”: Articles and Materials]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2010. 708 p. (In Russ.)

4. Bogomolov, N.A. Sobiratel'. Ivan Nikanorovich Rozanov i ego vremia [The Collector. Ivan Nikanorovich Rozanov and His Time]. Moscow, Azbukovnik Publ., 2021. 688 p. (In Russ.)

5. Ginzburg L. Rets. na kn. [Rev. of] Sternenflug und Apfelblüte. Russische Lyrik von 1917 bis 1962. Berlin, 1963. Voprosy literatury, no. 2, 1964, pp. 229–230. (In Russ.)

6. Giunter I. fon. Zhizn' na vostochnom vetru: Mezhdu Peterburgom i Miunkhenom [Life on the East Wind: Across St. Petersburg and Munich], trans. from German, introd. and comm. by Iu. Arkhipov. Moscow, Molodaia gvardiia Publ., 2010. 488 p. (In Russ.)

7. Giunter I. fon. “Pod vostochnym vetrom” [“Under the East Wind”], trans. from German by T. Petrovskaia. Mosty. (Miunkhen) [ Bridges. (Munich)], vol. 15, 1970, pp. 329–348. (In Russ.)

8. Zapisnye knizhki Anny Akhmatovoi (1958 –1966) [ Notebooks of Anna Akhmatova (1958-1966)], comp. and prep. by K.N. Suvorova, introd. by E.G. Gershtein, scientific adv., introd., indexes by V.A. Chernykh. Moscow, Torino, Einaudi Publ., 1996. 849 p. (In Russ.)

9. “Iogannes fon Giunter i ego vospominaniia” [“Johannes von Gunther and His Memoirs”], essay, publ., ref. and trans. by K.M. Azadovskii. Literaturnoe nasledstvo [Literary Heritage], vol. 92, book 5. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1993, pp. 330–361. (In Russ.)

10. Kratkaia literaturnaia entsiklopediia: v 9 t. [Brief Literary Encyclopedia: in 2 vols.]. Moscow, Sovetskaia entsiklopediia Publ., 1962–1978. (In Russ.)

11. Luknitskii, P.N. Acumiana: Vstrechi s Annoi Akhmatovoi [Acumiana: Meetings with Anna Akhmatova], vol. II: 1926 –1927. Paris, Moscow, YMCA press, Russkii Put' Publ., 1997. 372 p. (In Russ.)

12. Timenchik, R. “Iz Imennogo ukazatelia k Zapisnym knizhkam Akhmatovoi” [“From the Name Index to Akhmatova's Notebooks”]. Anna Akhmatova: epokha, sud'ba, tvorchestvo: Krymskii Akhmatovskii nauch. sb. Vyp. 7: k 120-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia poeta [ Anna Akhmatova: Era, Fate, Work: Crimean Akhmatova scientific collection. Issue 7: To the 120th Anniversary of the Poet’s Birth]. Simferopol', Krymskii Arkhiv Publ., 2009, pp. 37–82. (In Russ.)

13. Timenchik, R. “Iz Imennogo Ukazatelia k ‘Zapisnym knizhkam’ Akhmatovoi: Emil' Verkharn” [“From the Name Index to Akhmatova's ‘Notebooks’: Emile Verharn”]. Prostranstvo bezgranichnoi slovesnosti: Sb. statei k 70-letiiu Vsevoloda Evgen'evicha Bagno [ Space of Boundless Literature: Collection of Essays for the 70th Anniversary of Vsevolod Evgenievich Bagno]. St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2021, pp. 437–447. (In Russ.)

14. Timenchik, R. Poslednii poet: Anna Akhmatova v 60e gody [ The Last Poet: Anna Akhmatova in the 60s]. 2nd ed., rev. and add., vol. 1. Jerusalem, Moscow, Gesharim Publ., Mosty kultury Publ., 2014. 592 p. (In Russ.)

15. Timenchik, R. Chto vdrug: Stat'i o russkoi literature proshlogo veka [ What’s up? Essays on Russian Literature of the Last Century]. Jerusalem, Moscow, Gesharim Publ., Mosty kultury Publ., 2008. 686 p. (In Russ.)

16. Fidler, F.F. Iz mira literatorov: kharaktery i suzhdeniia [From the World of Writers: Characters and Judgments], prep. by K. Azadovskii. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2008. 864 p. (In Russ.)

17. Chaban, A. “Antologiia Iogannesa fon Giuntera ‘Novyi russkii Parnas’ v kontekste literaturnykh diskussii nachala 1910-kh godov” [“Anthology of Johannes von Gunther ‘New Russian Parnassus’ in the Context of Literary Discussions at the Beginning of the 1910s”]. Russkii modernizm i ego nasledie: Kollektivnaia monografiia v chest' 70-letiia Nikolaia Bogomolova [ Russian Modernism and its Heritage: Collective Monograph in Honor of the 70th Anniversary of Nikolai Bogomolov]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2021, pp. 304–340. (In Russ.)

18. Chernykh, V. Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva Anny Akhmatovoi. 1889 –1966 [Chronicle of the Life and Work of Anna Akhmatova. 1889 –1966]. 3rd ed., rev. and add. Moscow, Azbukovnik Publ., 2016. 943 p. (In Russ.)

19. Etkind, E. “’…Kak Feniks iz pepla’. Poeziia Anny Akhmatovoi na Zapade. Germaniia i Frantsiia [“’Like a Phoenix from the Ashes’. Anna Akhmatova’s Poetry of in the West. Germany and France”]. Inostrannaia literatura, no. 6, 1989, pp. 226–232. (In Russ.)

20. Masing-Delic, Irene. Visiting Johannes von Guenther. Skreshcheniia sudeb: Literarische und kulturelle Beziehungen zwischen Russland und dem Westen: A Festschrift for Fedor B. Poljakov, ed. by Lazar Fleishman, Stefan Michael Newerkla, Michael Wachtel. Berlin, Peter Lang Publ., 2019, pp. 707–709. (Stanford Slavic Studies, Vol. 49). (In English)

21. Perelmuter, Ilya. Russische Poesie in deutschen Übersetzungen: Bibliographie ausgewählter Werk. Vienna, Danzig & unfried Publ., 2020. 452 p. (In German)

22. Rakusa, Ilma. Studien zum Motiv der Einsamkeit in der russischen Literatur: Abhandlung. Luzern und Frankfurt. München, C.J. Bucher Publ., 1973. 178 p. (Slavica Helvetica). (In German)

23. Wachtel, Michael. “Zum Nachleben des russischen Symbolismus in Deutschland: Fedor Stepun und Johannes von Guenther”. Skreshcheniia sudeb: Literarische und kulturelle Beziehungen zwischen Russland und dem Westen: A Festschrift for Fedor B. Poljakov, ed. by Lazar Fleishman, Stefan Michael Newerkla, Michael Wachtel . Berlin, Peter Lang Publ., 2019, pp. 680–706. (Stanford Slavic Studies, Vol. 49). (In English)