УДК / UDK: 82-14

2021 №19

Author: Michael Wachtel
About the author:

Michael Wachtel, Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Professor, Slavic Department, Princeton University, 225 East Pyne, 08544, Princeton, NJ, USA.

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The essay examines the notorious sacrificial rite that took place in Nikolay Minsky’s apartment in May of 1905. The event is viewed as a direct reflection of the philosophical and religious convictions of Viacheslav Ivanov. Ivanov’s “scandalous” behavior, which so shocked and repulsed his contemporaries, fits in neatly with his general understanding of the world, which is clearly expressed in his essays, scholarly work, and poetry of that time. Special attention is given to the concept of “universal co-crucifixion,” which is derived from the New Testament through the mediation of the philosopher Eduard von Hartman. At the end of the essay the question is raised about the potential application of the same concept to the personal relationship of Ivanov and his wife, Lidia Dmitrievna Zinov’eva-Annibal.

Keywords: Russian Symbolism; Viacheslav Ivanov; Eduard von Hartman; sacrifice; co-crucifixion.
For citation:

Wachtel, M. “The Philosophical Subtext of a Scandal (Viacheslav Ivanov, Eduard von Hartman, and ‘Universal Co-crucifixion’)”. Literaturnyi fakt, no. 1 (19), 2021, pp. 286–296.


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