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2021 №19

Author: Anfisa D. Savina
About the author:

Anfisa D. Savina, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia.


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This publication concerned with the problems of Valeriy Bryusov’s critical works and his interest in French culture. The aim of the paper is to introduce into scientific circulation the Bryusov’s text relating to the late French Romanticist Au. Villiers de l'Isle- Adam. Our introductory article gives a brief description of the literary relations between the Russian poet and the French writer. It is noted that for a quarter of a century Brusov turned to the work of Villiers de l'Isle-Adam as an editor, as a translator and as a novelist, attentive to the creative search of his predecessors. The published materials are a draft of Bryusov's article, made after 1910. In this text Bryusov expresses his attitude towards the French writer in detail and turns to the analysis of his short stories. The critic sums up literary fate in Russia of Villiers de L'Isle-Adam and other poètes maudits. In addition, Bryusov gives his vision of the level of the Russian readership and determines the degree of familiarity of the “average reader” with the French literature.

Keywords: V. Bryusov; Villiers de l’Isle-Adam; Russian-French literary relations; criticism; short stories; literary reputation; poètes maudits.
For citation:

Savina, A.D. “The Riddle that the Critic Must Solve: V. Bryusov about Villiers de l’Isle-Adam”. Literaturnyi fakt, no. 1 (19), 2021, pp. 268 –286.


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2. Bibliografiia: V.Ia. Briusov: 1884 –1973 [Bibliography: V.Ya. Bryusov: 1884 –1973], comp. by E.S. Danielian; ed. by K.D. Muratova. Yerevan: Yerevan University Publ., 1976. 504 p. (In Russ.)
3. Briusov, V.Ia. Pis'ma neofitsial'nogo korrespondenta: Pis'ma k zhene (avgust 1914 — mai 1915) [Letters of the Unofficial Reporter: Letters to Wife (August 1914 — May 1915)], ed., comp., text prep. and comm. by M.V. Orlova. Moscow: Vodolei Publ., 2015. 232 p. (In Russ.)
4. Briusov, V.Ia. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i perevodov [Complete Works and Translations]: Vol. 1 –4, 12 –13, 15, 21. St. Petersburg: Sirin Publ., 1913 –1914. (In Russ.)
5. Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Au. Zhestokie rasskazy [Cruel Tales], trans. by B. Runt; ed., introd. by V. Briusov. St. Petersburg: Panteon Publ., 1908. 112 p. (In Russ.)
6. Gor'kii, M. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii [Complete Works]. Pis'ma [Letters]: in 24 vol. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1997 — . (In Russ.)
7. Dubrovkin, R.M. “Rene Gil' i Valerii Briusov. Khronika odnoi perepiski” [“Rene Gil and Valery Bryusov. Chronicle of the Correspondence”]. Rene Gil' – Valerii Briusov. Perepiska. 1904–1915 [Rene Gil – Valery Bryusov. Correspondence. 1904–1915]. St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt Publ., 2005, pp. 5–62. (In Russ.)
8. Novyi entsiklopedicheskii slovar' [New Encyclopedic Dictionary]. St. Petersburg: Brokgauz — Efron Publ., 1911 –1916. (In Russ.)
9. Raznotsvetnye kamen'ia. Kniga malen'kikh rasskazov, sobrannykh i perevedennykh pod red. V. Briusova [Variegated Gems. Story-book, ed. by Bryusov]. Moscow: Al'tsiona Publ., 1914. 169 p. (In Russ.)
10. Savina, A.D. “V. Briusov i O. Vil'e de Lil'-Adan” [“V. Bryusov and Villiers de l’Isle-Adam”]. Izvestiia RAN. Seriia literatury i iazyka, no. 5, 2013, pp. 31 –45. (In Russ.)
11. Frantsuzskie liriki XIX veka [French Poets of XIX century], transl., introd. and comm. by Valery Bryusov. St. Petersburg: Panteon Publ., [1909]. 199 p. (In Russ.)
12. Frantsuzskie liriki XVIII veka [French Poets of XVIII century], comp. by I.M. Briusova, ed., comm. by Valery Briusov. Moscow: K.F. Nekrasov Publ., 1914. 334 p. (In Russ.)