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2020 №18

Author: Boris N. Romanov
About the author:

Boris N. Romanov, independent researcher, Moscow, Russia.

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The main theme in the letters of the translator and children's author M.A. Beketova, A.A. Blok’s aunt, to the poet's friend, the literary critic E.F. Knipovich, is the fate of Blok's legacy, its publication, information about evenings and meetings in the poet’s memory, about his relatives, friends, researchers of his works, as well as about M. Beketova’s work on biographical books about Blok and the publication of his correspondence. In the letters there are significant details related to the activities of the Moscow Association for the Study of A. Blok’s Works of the GAKhN, with meetings of the Petrograd Free Philosophical Association (Volfila), reports about the Shakhmatovo estate, references on L.D. Blok’s role in the publication of Blok's heritage, on the beginning of preserving the memory of the poet, museumification of his iconography, personal belongings, manuscripts. The letters give a vivid picture of the “struggle for Blok” in the 1920s waged by his friends and relatives, as well as writers and critics who understood the true scale of the poet's figure. The letters are preserved in a private collection (Moscow).

Keywords: M.A. Beketova; A.A. Blok; L.D. Blok; E.F. Knipovich; Volfila; Association for the Study of A. Blok’s Works of the GAKhN.
For citation:

Romanov, B.N. “From M.A. Beketova’s Letters to E.F. Knipovich (1922–1926).” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 4 (18), 2020, pp. 152–197. (In Russ.)

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