- DOI:
- УДК / UDK: 821.161.1
- Issue:
- Abstract:
The article allegedly discloses the name of a girl from St. Petersburg (Nina Nasonova?) mentioned in Alexander Blok’s diary who read his letter on the socalled Jewish question and commented on it in the spirit of Otto Weininger's concept, which compared the Jewish principle with the female one.
- Keywords: Alexander Blok, Nina Nasonova-Klepinina, Jewish question, Otto Weininger, Lidia Segal-Brodskaya.
- For citation:
Timenchik Roman. Notes of a commentator. 8. Alexander Blok’s lost letter. Literary fact, 2019, no. 1(11), pp. 467–479. (In Russ.)
DOI 10.22455/2541-8297-2019-11-467-479
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