
УДК / UDK: 821.161.1

2019 №11

About the author:

Margarita Abolina, graduate student, St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The article provides a brief overview of the publication history of I.A. Bunin’s works in emigration during 1920–1955: facts that make it possible to reconstruct each episode of interaction between Bunin and émigré publishing houses correlate with the history of the book indusrty of the Russian diaspora.

Keywords: Ivan Bunin, Russian émigrés, publishing activities.
For citation:

Abolina Margarita. Ivan Bunin and publishing activities of the Russian émigrés (1920–1950). Literary fact, 2019, no. 1(11), pp. 234–253. (In Russ.)

DOI 10.22455/2541-8297-2019-11-234-253


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