- DOI:
- УДК / UDK: 821.161.1
- Issue:
- Abstract:
The presented annotated “Bibliography of Translations of Works by Sergey Yesenin (1920–1927)” is the result of many years of work on the fundamental scientific project “The Chronicle of S.A. Yesenin’s Life and Work” in 5 Volumes (7 books, 2003–2018). In this work for the first time previously unknown lifetime and posthumous translations of works by Yesenin were introduced into scientific circulation and dated. Most of the hard-to-access publicationswere reviewed de visu in cooperation with foreign colleagues. The result of this research is the presented, most comprehensive to date bibliography of the translations of Yesenin’s works: from the first, not revealed V. Hartmann’s translations into German (“Autumn” and “Singing Call”) to the numerous posthumous translation of 1926–1927. The Bibliography is accompanied by indexes: the poet’s works, the languages of translations and the names of translators. During Yesenin’s lifetime his works were translated into 17 languages: German, English, Swedish, French, Italian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Latvian, Armenian, Georgian, Japanese and Yiddish. In total, for the indicated period, 194 publications of 90 Yesenin’s poems (or their fragments) in 21 languages were revealed.
- Keywords: Yesenin, bibliography, poems, translations (1920–1927), foreign languages, Europe, Asia, America.
- For citation:
Subbotin Sergei, Shubnikova-Guseva Natalia. Bibliography of translations of works by Sergei Yesenin (1920–1927). Literary fact, 2019, no. 3 (13), pp. 341–378.
DOI 10.22455/2541-8297-2019-13-341-378
- References:
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