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2020 №15

Author: Armen Gevorkian
About the author:

Armen Gevorkian, Candidate of philological sciences, Senior Research Fellow, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS, Moscow, Russia.

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While there are many studies on biography, literary work, and the epistolary heritage of V.Ya. Bryusov, his connections with the musical world of Russia in the late 19th — early 20th centuries remain on the periphery of research interest. Significantly less attention was paid to the historical and literary study of the poet’s personal and creative contacts with composers, music critics, and musicologists. In the late 19th — early 20th centuries V.Ya. Bryusov’s poetry as a source of musical compositions attracted composers of various creative and aesthetic principles, from realistic to modernist, each of whom found in Bryusov's works related images, themes and motifs. Today, the names of more than thirty composers, who addressed both original works and translations of the head of Russian Symbolism, are known. Among them are composers who by the beginning of the 20th century had become original figures of Russian musical culture — A.T. Grechaninov, S.V. Rachmaninov, N.K. Metner, R.M. Glier, S.I. Vasilenko — and less known today V.I. Rebikov, A. Kankarovich, A.G. Shaposhnikov et al. One of the first works devoted to this topic was an article by the poet’s sister, Nadezhda Bryusova, “Music in Valery Bryusov’s works” (Iskusstvo, 1929, no. 3 – 4), outlining two main areas of research: historical and literary and theoretical, philosophical and historical. O. Tompakova, V. Dronov, E. Etkind et al. also researched Bryusov’s connections with the musical culture of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Interest in Bryusov’s work did not fade even after the poet’s death, many Soviet composers turned to his poetry in the new socio-political environment. The Appendix contains materials for the annotated bibliography of music editions related to Bryusov.

Keywords: Valery Bryusov, Nadezhda Bryusova, Sergey Vasilenko, Vladimir Rebikov, musical world of Russia, Literary and Art Circle, “Red Lighthouse”, spirit of music, bibliography of music editions.
For citation:

Gevorkian Armen. Valery Bryusov and the musical world of Russia in the late 19th — early 20th centuries (Introduction). Literaturnyi fakt, 2020, no. 1 (15), pp. 213 – 236.

DOI 10.22455/2541-8297-2020-15-213-236


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Davtian S.S. Poetiko-stilevye osobennosti Simfonii V.Ia. Briusova “Vospominan’e” [Poetic and stylistic features of V.Ya. Bryusov's symphony “Reminiscence”]. Briusovskie chteniia 2002 g. [Bryusov proceedings 2002]. Erevan, Lingva Publ., 2004, pp. 139 – 152. (In Russ.)

Davtian S.S. Simfoniia Briusova “Vospominan’e” kak proizvedenie sinteticheskogo zhanra [Bryusov's symphony “Reminiscence” as a work of synthetic genre]. Briusovskie chteniia 1996 [Bryusov proceedings 1996]. Erevan, Lingva Publ., 2001, pp. 121 – 128. (In Russ.)

Davtian S.S. Svoeobrazie obrazno-tematicheskoi konstruktsii Pervoi pateticheskoi simfonii Briusova “Vospominan’e” [The peculiarity of figurative and thematic construction of Bryusov’s First Pathetic Symphony “Reminiscence”]. Briusovskie chteniia 1996 [Bryusov proceedings 1996]. Erevan, Lingva Publ., 2001, pp. 129 – 142. (In Russ.)

Dronov V. K voprosu o “Krasnom Maiake” V. Briusova [Revisiting V. Bryusov’s “Red Lighthouse”]. Briusovskii sbornik [Bryusov collection], ed. V. Dronov. Stavropol, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute Publ., 1977, pp. 138 – 151. (In Russ.)

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Gevorkian A.V. O dvukh tolkovaniiakh poniatiia “nastroenie” v russkom simvolizme (V. Briusov, A. Belyi) [On two interpretations of the concept of “mood” in Russian Symbolism (V. Bryusov, A. Bely)]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, series 9, Philology, 1998, no. 6, pp. 24 – 35. (In Russ.)

Gevorkian A.V. O muzykal’nykh formakh v poetike russkogo simvolizma [On musical forms in the poetics of Russian Symbolism]. Russkaia literatura 20 veka: Istoriia i perspektivy [Russian literature of the 20th century: History and perspectives]. Moscow, Maks-Press Publ., 2000, pp. 172 – 174. (In Russ.)

Gevorkian A.V. Russkie simvolisty i “Dom pesni” [Russian Symbolists and “House of Song”]. Aktual’nye problemy sovremennogo literaturovedeniia [Actual problems of modern literary criticism], issue 5. Moscow, RITs “Al’fa” MGOPU Publ., 2001, pp. 44 – 46. (In Russ.)

Gevorkian A.V. Sonatno-simfonicheskaia forma v poezii V.Ia. Briusova [Sonatasymphonic form in V.Ya. Bryusov’s poetry]. Aktual’nye problemy sovremennogo literaturovedeniia [Actual problems of modern literary criticism], issue 4. Moscow, RITs “Al’fa” MGOPU Publ., 2000, pp. 23 – 24. (In Russ.)

Gevorkian A.V. “Vospominanie. Simfoniia pervaia: pateticheskaia…” V.Ia. Briusova. K postanovke problemy [“Reminiscence. First Symphony: Pathetic” by V. Bryusov. Articulation of issue]. Problemy evoliutsii russkoi literatury 20 veka. 3 Sheshukovskie chteniia [Issues of the 20th century Russian literature evolution. 3d Sheshukov proceedings], issue 5. Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University Publ., 1998, pp. 56 – 60. (In Russ.)

Ishimbaeva G.G. “Ognennyi angel”: faustovskaia kontaminatsiia Valeriia Briusova i Sergeia Prokof’eva [“The Fiery Angel”: Faustian contamination of Valery Bryusov and Sergei Prokofiev]. Gete v russkoi kul’ture 20 veka [Goethe in Russian culture of the 20th century], ed. G.V. Iakusheva. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2001, pp. 85 – 100. (In Russ.)

Karapetian K.M. Proizvedeniia Briusova v muzyke kompozitorov-sovremennikov [Bryusov's works in the music of contemporary composers]. Aktual’nye problemy literatury i kul’tury [Actual problems of literature and culture], series: Voprosy filologii, issue 3. Erevan, Lingva Publ., 2008, pp. 136 – 149. (In Russ.)

Kats B., Timenchik R. Anna Akhmatova i muzyka: Issledovatel’skie ocherki [Anna Akhmatova and music: Research essays]. Leningrad, Sovetskii kompozitor Publ., 1989. 334 p. (In Russ.)

Keldysh Iu.V. Mezhdu traditsiei i modernom [Between tradition and modernism]. Istoriia russkoi muzyki: V 10 t. T. 10A: 1890 – 1917-e gody [History of Russian music: In 10 vols. Vol. 10A: 1890 – 1917], ed. Iu.V. Keldysh et al. Moscow, Muzyka Publ., 1997, pp. 217 – 218. (In Russ.)

Lagunov A., Kositsyna S. O “muzykal’nykh” formakh vyrazitel’nosti v liricheskoi poezii rannego V.Ia. Briusova [On “musical” forms of expressiveness in V. Ya. Bryusov’s early lyrics]. Vestnik Khar'kovskogo universiteta, 1988, no. 327, pp. 94 – 99. (In Russ.)

Minor N.N. N.Ia. Briusova i ee shkola muzykal’nogo obrazovaniia [N.Ya. Bryusova and her school of music education]. Saratov, Saratov Pedagogical Institute Publ., 1994. 140 p. (In Russ.)

Poeziia Viacheslava Ivanova v russkoi muzyke. Notograficheskii spravochnik prizhiznennykh publikatsii 1913 – 1948 [Poetry of Vyacheslav Ivanov in Russian music. Bibliography of lifetime music publications 1913 – 1948], comp. P.V. Dmitriev. St. Petersburg, Timofei Markov Publ., 2013. 92 p. (In Russ.)

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