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2024. no. 4 (34) 

Author: Alexander K. Zholkovsky
About the author:

Alexander K. Zholkovsky, PhD in Philology, Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.

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In his recent analysis of Vladimir Vysotsky’s song “A Scientific Puzzle, or Why Did the Aboriginals Eat Up James Cook” (New Literary Observer, 2018) the author identifies a methodological shortcoming: the formulation of the song’s theme does not fully reflect the dominant role of the properties of monorhyme in the text’s design. The article revises these aspects of the previous description and discusses the broader lessons of such a self-heuristic approach. As a result, the song's message appears, in the context of Vysotsky’s poetic world, as a farcical variation on the bard’s central invariant: “confrontation between an independent protagonist (a man, poet, athlete, wolf) and an aggressive mass of antagonists (boors, censors, opponents, hunters) who try to corner and destroy him.” The song’s protagonist, James Cook, is besieged not only by hungry cannibals but also by supposedly convincing reasons for an attempt on his life, three of which are stated in the text, while one remains implicit, yet is undeniable, consisting, as it does, of a chain of monorhymes — akin to the “flags” in Vysotsky’s “Wolf Hunt” — through which he cannot break loose. Thus, the monorhyme functions as an iconic projection of this structural-semantic construction. The article’s dedication to the memory of Andrei Nemzer is motivated by the history of the scholarly dialogue between the author and his esteemed late colleague.

Keywords: Vladimir Vysotsky, James Cook, Pareto principle, literary analysis, testing, revision, monorhyme, puzzle, theme (message), variations, poetic world, iconicity, performance.
For citation:

Zholkovsky, A.K. “A Monument to a Scientific Error: Revisiting Vysotsky’s Version of James Cook’s Death.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 4 (34), 2024, pp. 270–281. (In Russ.)

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  2. Vysotskii, V.<S.> Sobranie sochinenii: v 4 kn. [Collected Works: in 4 books]. Moscow, Nadezhda-1 Publ., 1997. (In Russ.)
  3. Zholkovskii,  A.<K.>  “Zametki  o  ‛Poezii  Agrammatiki  Eduarda  Limonova” [“Notes on Eduard Limonov’s Poetry of Ungrammaticality.”]  “Lianozovskaia shkola”: (Mezhdu barachnoi poeziei i russkim konkretizmom) [“The Lianozovo School”: (Between Barracks Poetry and Russian Concretism)]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2021, pp. 638–663. (In Russ.)
  4. Zholkovskii, A.<K.> “Mekhanizmy vtorogo rozhdeniia: (O stikhotvorenii Paster- naka ʽMne khochetsia domoi, v ogromnost’…’)” [“Mechanisms of Rebirth: (On Boris Pasternak’s ʽI Want to Go Home, to the Vastness…’)”]. Literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 2, 1990, pp. 35–41. (In Russ.)
  5. Zholkovskii, A.<K.> “Nauka, poeziia i pravda: (K razboru pesenki Vysotskogo o Kuke)” [“Science, Poetry and Truth: (About an Analysis of Vladimir Vysotsky’s ʽA Scientific Puzzle, or Why Did the Aboriginals Eat Up James Cook’)”]. Novoe literatur- noe obozrenie, no. 6 (154), 2018, pp. 222–249. (In Russ.)
  6. Zholkovskii, A.<K.> “Nedostavavshee zveno” [“The Missing Link”]. Zvezda, no. 12, 2011, pp. 218–220. (In Russ.)
  7. Zholkovskii, A.<K.> “O neponimanii i drugie vin’etki” [“On Misunderstanding and Other Vignettes”]. Novyi mir, no. 6 (1118), 2018, pp. 74–89. (In Russ.)
  8. Zholkovskii, A.<K.> “Prekrasnaia Markiza” [“Beautiful Marquise”]. Zholkovskii, A.<K.> Vybrannye mesta, ili Siuzhety raznykh let [Selected Places, or Dif- ferent Years Stories]. Moscow, KoLibri Publ., 2016, pp. 434–452. (In Russ.)
  9. Zholkovskii, A.<K.> “Prekrasnaia markiza” [“Beautiful Marquise”]. Inostrannaia literatura, no. 2, 2011, pp. 231–240. (In Russ.)
  10. Zholkovskii, A.<K.> “Razbor trekh razborov: (Avtoevristicheskie zametki)” [“Analysis of Three Analyses: (Autoheuristic Notes)”]. Homo scriptor: sbornik statei i materialov v chest’ 70-letiia M. Epshteina [Homo Scriptor: Collection of Writings and Materials in Honor of Mikhail Epstein’s 70th Anniversary]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2020, pp. 102–121. (In Russ.)
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  12. Zholkovskii, A.K. “Intertekstual ponevole: (ʽIa v mysliakh poderzhu drugogo cheloveka…’ Limonova)” [“An Involuntary Intertextual: (Eduard Limonov’s ʽI’ll Hold Another Person in My Thoughts…’)”]. Zholkovskii, A.K. Izbrannye stat’i o russkoi poezii (Invarianty, struktury, strategii, interteksty) [Selected Writings on Russian Poetry (Invariants, Structures, Strategies, and Intertexts)]. Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities Publ., 2005, pp. 309–326, 580–582. (In Russ.)
  13. Nemzer, A.<S.> “Edinstvo i velikolepie: (Tost za Aleksandra Zholkovskogo i ego knigu)” [“Unity and Magnificence: A Toast to Alexander Zholkovsky and His Book”]. Moskovskie novosti, June 30, no. 64 (64), 2011, p. 11. (In Russ.)
  14. Nemzer, A.<S.> “Zhurnaly i memuary” [“Journals and Memoirs”]. Vremia no- vostei, July 18, no. 83, 2000, p. 7. (In Russ.)
  15. Nemzer, A.<S.> “O promezhutochnoi slovesnosti: (Pis’mo A. N. A-mu)” [“On In- termediate Literature: (A Letter to A. N. A.)”]. Nezavisimaia gazeta, July 4, no. 126 (297), 1992, p. 7. (In Russ.)