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2024. no. 4 (34) 

Author: Alexander V. Dubrovskii
About the author:

Alexander V. Dubrovskii, PhD in Philology, Research Fellow, Manuscript Department, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makarov Emb., 4, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia.


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The article examines the case of the poems by a poet of Pushkin’s time, N.M. Yazykov, which were attributed without sufficient grounds to A.S. Pushkin. Dedicated to the famous Gypsy singer T.D. Demyanova, the poem “Elegy” (“Blessed is who could on the lodge of the night...”) was published as Pushkin’s poem in the journal Polar Star for 1859 (Severnaia Zvezda) by Iskander (A.I. Herzen) and N. Ogarev in London. In 1992, the same poem was republished in Japan under the name of Pushkin in the collection Smile of Venus. Russian Obscene Poems. The paper raises the question of attribution to Pushkin of Yazykov’s poem, which has been already published under his name in the Odessa Almanac for 1831, as well as subsequently in Yazykov’s first book Poems (1833) and the posthumous edition of 1858. The poem “To a Friend” (“Do not tempt me fruitlessly...”), which was published in 1830 in the Moscow almanac Rainbow (Raduga) with the pen name ***, has been attributed to Pushkin in relatively recent times in the newspaper Soviet Culture (1984) by I.T. Trofimov, who interpreted it as an unexpected find, and then in his monograph Searches and Finds in the Moscow Archives (1987). However, the article shares the point of view оf M.K. Azadovsky, according to which the author of the poem “To a Friend” was Yazykov. It gives several additional arguments in its favor. The third one of the poems under consideration is “Platonism” (“To fall in love only with one’s soul, that is the law…”). A list of this poem with the signature “(A. Pushkin ?)” has been found by the author of this paper in an unnamed album stored at the Manuscript Department of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House). The autograph of the same poem stored in the Russian State Library (Moscow) proves the undeniable authorship of Nikolay Yazykov.

Keywords: Nikolay Yazykov, Alexander Pushkin, poem, attribution, almanac, album.
For citation:

Dubrovskii, A.V. “Yazykov or Pushkin? (About Three Poems Attributed to Pushkin).” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 4 (34), 2024, pp. 125–137. (In Russ.)

  1. Azadovskii, M. “Sud’ba literaturnogo nasledstva N.M. Iazykova” [“The Fate of N.M. Yazykov’s Literary Heritage”]. Literaturnoe nasledstvo [Literary Heritage], vol. 19–21. Moscow, Zhurnal’nogazetnoe ob”edinenie Publ., 1935, pp. 341‒370. (In Russ.)
  2. Dem’ianova, T.D. “O Pushkine i Iazykove” [“About Pushkin and Yazykov”]. Pushkin v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov: v 2 t. [Pushkin in the Memories of Contemporaries: in 2 vols.], vol. 2. St. Petersburg, Akademicheskii proekt Publ., 1998, pp. 246‒250. (In Russ.)
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  4. Mazur, N. “Poeticheskii dialog Pushkina i Yazykova v seredine 1820-kh godov: novye perspektivy” [“The Poetic Dialogue Between Pushkin and Yazykov in the Mid-1820s: New Perspectives”]. ACTA SLAVICA ESTONICA XI. Pushkinskie chteniia v Tartu 6 [ACTA SLAVICA ESTONICA XI. Pushkin Readings in Tartu 6], issue 1: Pushkin v krugu sovremennikov [Pushkin and His Contemporaries]. Tartu, Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2019, pp. 47‒118. (In Russ.)
  5. Trofimov, I.T. Poiski i nakhodki v moskovskikh arkhivakh [Searches and Finds in the Moscow Archives]. 3rd ed., rev. and enl. Moscow, Moskovskii rabochii Publ., 1987. 208 p. (In Russ.)
  6. Ulybka Venery. Russkie netsenzurnye stikhotvoreniia [The Smile of Venus. Russian Obscene Poems], comp. and afterword by I.N. Iamatovskii. Tokyo, Apollo Publ., 1992. 200 p. (In Russ.)
  7. Iazykov, N.M. Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii [Complete Collection of Poems], ed., introd. article and comm. by M.K. Azadovskii. Moscow, Leningrad, Academia Publ., 1934. 926 p. (In Russ.)
  8. Iazykov, N.M. Stikhotvoreniia i poemy [Poems and Epic Poems]. Leningrad, Sovetskii pisatel’ Publ., 1988. 592 p. (In Russ.)
  9. Dees, B. Yazykov’s Unpublished Erotica. Russian Literature Triquarterly, vol. 10. 1975, pp. 408–413. (In English.)