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2024. no. 4 (34) 

Author: Petr R. Zaborov
About the author:

Petr R. Zaborov, DSc in Philology, Director of Research, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makarova Emb., 4, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia.


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The article deals with the early work of the outstanding Russian philologist academician M.P. Alekseev (1896–1981). A brilliant connoisseur of classical Russian literature, primarily the works of A.S. Pushkin and I.S. Turgenev, the author of numerous works on the history of foreign literature, mainly Western and Eastern European, he was the largest comparativist in our country, a historian of Russian-French, Russian-German, Russian-Spanish, Russian-Portuguese, Russian- Italian, Russian-Hungarian and Russian-Polish literary ties of various eras. However, he modestly considered only the literature of England and Russian-English literary and cultural relations as the main areas of his scientific interests. His studies of the history of English literature began with the translation from German of the pioneering article by the Austrian anglicist, Professor Karl Brunner of the University of Innsbruck, Wirtschaftslage und Literatur (1925). This translation was published in 1930 in Irkutsk in a separate brochure entitled Economic Situation and Literature. Alekseev provided the text of the article with an extensive preface and detailed notes, which contained abundant and diverse factual material. The scientific apparatus included in this relatively small translation testified to the phenomenal erudition, breadth of interests, and depth of thought for a young scientist. His subsequent works on English philology, as well as his scientific activity in general, fully confirmed this.

Keywords: the history of English literature, German and German-speaking English studies, the English Middle Ages.
For citation:

Zaborov, P.R. “Mikhail Alekseev as an Anglicist: Prehistory.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 4 (34), 2024, pp. 93–101. (In Russ.)

  1. Alekseeva, N.V. “Arkhiv M.P. Alekseeva rannego perioda ego deiatel’nosti” [“M.P. Alekseev’s Archive of the Early Period of His Activity”]. Obatnina, E., editor. Arkhiv uchenogo-filologa: lichnost’, biografiia, nauchnyi opyt [Archive of a Philologist: Personality, Biography, Research Experience]. St. Petersburg, Pushkin House Publ., 2018, pp. 190–215. (In Russ.)
  2. Brunner, K. Khoziaistvennoe polozhenie i literatura: Ekonomicheskii faktor v istorii angliiskoi literatury [Economic Situation and Literature: An Economic Factor in the History of English Literature], trans., preface and notes by M.P. Alekseev. Irkutsk, Society for the Study of Language, Literature and Art at Irkutsk University Publ., 1930. 21 p. (In Russ.)