- DOI:
- EDN:
- УДК / UDK: 821.161.1.0
- Issue:
2024. no. 4 (34)
- Abstract:
The author believes that the poem “In the Depths of Siberian Mines” was written at the same time, or nearly simultaneously, as the “Stanzas” — in December 1826. Both poems arose as a result of a lengthy conversation with the Tsar on September 8, 1826. The author consistently provides a number of sources (memoirs of Volkonskaya, Pushchin, Bartenev, etc.), which allows us to make some assumptions about the dating of these poems. We surmise that the main idea of “In the Depths...” is a firm hope not only for the liberation of the Decembrists but also for the return of their civil rights and involvement in social and state activities. Most Decembrists did not understand or accept this idea. A.I. Odoevsky’s poem, written in response to Pushkin, is a coherent polemic against Pushkin’s verse. Considering the functioning of the “sword” lexeme and its semantic realization in the lyrical works of poets, the author vividly demonstrates the different views on the future of Russia. If Pushkin’s sword is a symbol of noble honor, then for Odoevsky, it is a striking weapon capable of leading the people to the kingdom of freedom. In addition, after the publication of the “Message to Siberia,” a whole discussion unfolded about the political content of the text. Some researchers held the point of view, especially popular in Soviet times, that Pushkin’s poems have revolutionary rhetoric (it was popular in Soviet times). Others took a less radical position and believed that the poet was talking about freeing comrades and restoring their rights.
- Keywords: Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Odoevsky, “Stanzas,” “In the Depths of Siberian Mines,” dating of works.
- For citation:
Altshuller, M.G. “Pushkin’s Dilogy: ʽStanzas’ (1826) and ʽIn the Depths of Siberian Mines’ (1826<?>).” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 4 (34), 2024, pp. 77–92.
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