Fedor B. Poljakov
Doct. Habil.,
Professor, Head of the Department of East Slavic literature, Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna
Scopus ID: 57204792196
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1584-0219
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Graduated from Philology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1981; got PhD in Classical Philology at the University of Cologne in 1985.
PhD thesis:
Die griechischen Inschriften von Tralleis (1985)
Habil. thesis:
Simeon Polockij und seine poetische Sammlung Rhythmologion. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Rezeption der slavischen Barockdichtung in der Moskauer höfischen Kultur der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts (anhand unedierter Überlieferung)
Research interests:
- history of twentieth Century Russian literature,
- culture of Russian diaspora,
- Byzantium-Slavic relations,
- Greek-Russian ties,
- literature of East Slavic baroque,
- East Slavic writing tradition,
- reception of ancient culture,
- East Slavic writing tradition,
- reception of ancient culture in Russia,
- Russian historico-philological tradition
Professional service
Editor-in-chief of the journal Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch / Vienna Slavic Yearbook (Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden)
Head of the book series Russian Culture in Europe (Peter Lang Verlag Berlin)
Member of the Editorial Counsil of the journal Studia Litterarum
Academic publications —
over 120 publications, including 10 monographs and edited collections
Selected scientific publications
Monographs and edited collections
- Diachronie – Ethnos – Tradition: Studien zur slawischen Sprachgeschichte. Festgabe für Anna Kretschmer, ed. by Jasmina Grković-Major, Natalia B. Korina, Stefan Michael Newerkla, Fedor B. Poljakov, Svetlana M. Tolstaja. Brno, Tribun EU, 2020. 366 p. (In German)
- Mehrheiten ↔ Minderheiten: Sprachlich-kulturelle Identitäten der Slavia im Wandel der Zeit, ed. by Anna Kretschmer, Gerhard Neweklowsky, Stefan Michael Newerkla, Fedor Poljakov. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, Peter Lang Publ., 2018. 302 p. (In German)
- Across Borders: 20th Century Russian Literature and Russian-Jewish Cultural Contacts. Essays in Honor of Vladimir Khazan, ed. by Lazar Fleishman and Fedor Poljakov. Berlin, Peter Lang Publ., 2018. 630 p. (In English)
- Lydia Pasternak Slater. Writings 1918–1989. Collected verse, prose and translations, ed. by Nicolas Pasternak Slater, Anna Sergeeva-Klyatis, and Fedor Poljakov. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Publ., 2015. 494 p. (In English)
- Boris Pasternak – Kurt Wolff. Im Meer der Hingabe. Briefwechsel 1958–1960, ed. by Evgenij Pasternak und Elena Pasternak unter Mitarbeit von Fedor Poljakov, Mit einem Vorwort von Gerd Ruge. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Publ., 2010. 206 p. (Russian Culture in Europe, 6). (In German)
- Nikolay Belozvetov. The Journal of Exile, ed. by Fyodor Polyakov. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Publ., 2006. 272 p. (Russian Culture in Europe, 1). (In Russ.)
- Nikolaj Trubetzkoy. Rußland – Europa – Eurasien. Ausgewählte Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft, ed. by Fedor B. Poljakov, Redaktion und Vorwort von Heinz Miklas. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005. 479 p. (Schriften der Balkan-Kommission, 45). (In German)
- Literarische Profile von Lev Kobylinskij-Ėllis im Tessiner Exil. Forschungen – Texte – Kommentare. Köln–Weimar–Wien, Böhlau Publ., 2000. 285 p. (Bausteine zur Slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte, N.F., Reihe A, 29). (In German)
- Greek Manuscripts of Moscow Synodal Library. Paleographic, Codicological and Bibliographical Additions to the Catalogue of Archimandrite Vladimir (Filantropov). Мoscow, Sinodalnaya biblioteka Publ., 1993. 239 p. (Co-authored with B.L. Fonkich). (In Russ.)
- Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa, Teil I: Die Inschriften von Tralleis. Bonn, Dr. Rudolf Habelt, 1989. XII, 233 p. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften; Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien, 36, 1). (In German)
Selected Essays
- “‘Out of the Corner of My Eye, Half a Century Later’: Ellis’s Unpublished Anthology ‘The Singers of Germany’.” Unacknowledged Legislators. Studies in Russian Literary History and Poetica in Honor of Michael Wachtel. Berlin, Lang, 2020, pp. 857–872. (In Russ.)
- “In Memory of Elizaveta Arkadyevna Mnatsakanova (1922–2019).” Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch / Vienna Slavic Yearbook, Bd. 8, 2020, pp. 303–304. (Co-authored with Stephanie Sandler). (In Russ.)
- “Pushkin Exhibition of 1932 in Prague, I: Nikolai Zaretsky’s Project and Its Implementation in the Context of Czechoslovak-Russian Interaction.” Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch / Vienna Slavic Yearbook, Bd. 8, 2020, pp. 254–275. (In Russ.)
- “At the Origins of Russian Church Life in Belgrade: Autobiographical Testimony of Archpriest Peter Belovidov (1933).” Diachronie – Ethnos – Tradition: Studien zur slawischen Sprachgeschichte. Festgabe für Anna Kretschmer. Brno, 2020, pp. 345–366. (In Russ.)
- “Reunification as a Renunciation: On the History of Conversion of Lev Kobylinsky-Ellis to Catholicism.” Archivio russo–italiano XI, a cura di Giuseppina Giuliano, Andrej Shishkin / Russian-Italian Archive XI, comp. Giuseppina Giuliano, Andrey Shishkin. Salerno, 2020, pp. 236–249. (In Russ.)
- “Berlin Book Antiques ‘Rossica’ and Its Owner Julius Weizmann in Letters from Ellis (Lev Kobylinsky) to Nikolai Zaretsky.” Emigrantica et cetera: to the 60th Anniversary of Oleg Korostelev, ed., comp. by E.R. Ponomarev, M. Shruba. Moscow, 2019, pp. 278–291. (In Russ.)
- “Anti-Christian Nationalism and the Fates of Cultural Traditions in Europe in the 1930s: Materials from the Letters of Ellis (Lev Kobylinsky) to Nikolai Zaretsky.” Filosoficheskie pis'ma. Pussko-evropeĭskiĭ dialog, vol. 2, no. 2, 2019, pp. 131–144. (In Russ.)
- “Lev Shestov’s Meetings with Translator Hans Ruoff.” Yearbook of the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad 2019. Мoscow, 2019, pp. 185–189. (In Russ.)
- “‘Wonderful Vicious Circle.’ Ellis in Locarno in the 1930s (Based on the Correspondence with Nikolai Zaretsky).” Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch / Vienna Slavic Yearbook, Bd. 7, 2019, pp. 234–255. (In Russ.)
- “Autobiographical Letters of Nikolai Zaretsky.” Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch / Vienna Slavic Yearbook, Bd. 6, 2018, pp. 236–265. (In Russ.)
- “‘Relentlessly Bright Personality’: Memories of Childhood in Ellis’s Letters to Nikolai Zaretsky.” AvtobiografiЯ, no. 7, 2018, pp. 11–24. (In Russ.)
- “December Meeting of 1959: a Letter from Boris Pasternak to the Actress Elisabeth Goebel.” Russian Literature, vol. 100–102, 2018, pp. 289–303. (In Russ.)
- “‘Mouse’: Mikhail Gorlin in the Parisian Environment of Alexei Remizov.” Across Borders: 20th Century Russian Literature and Russian-Jewish Cultural Contacts. Essays in Honor of Vladimir Khazan. Berlin, 2018, pp. 423–440. (In Russ.)
- “Evgeny Zamyatin and Nikolay Zaretsky. On the History of their Prague Non-Meeting in 1932.” Literary Life. Essays. Publications. Memoirs. In Memory of Alexander Galushkin, ed. by V.V. Polonskii, M.P. Odesskii, M.L. Spivak. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2017, pp. 189–198. (In Russ.)