Mikhail V. Stroganov
DSc in Philology,
Leading Research Fellow of the "Literary Heritage" Department, IWL RAS
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Researcher ID: Q-9329-2019
PhD thesis:
The Decembrists and Decembrist Literature in the Works of Leo Tolstoy (1982)
DSc thesis:
A Man in the Creative World of Pushkin (Problems of Poetics) (1991)
Academic biography:
Since 1975 — worked at Kalinin (now Tver) State University
1982 — PhD thesis defense
1991 — DSc thesis defense
1994–2012 — Head of the Department of the History of Russian Literature.
2012–2015 — Leading Research Fellow at the State Republican Center of Russian Folklore.
Since 2015 — Professor of the Department of General and Slavic Art Studies of the Kosygin Russian State University (Institute of Slavic Culture).
Since 2018 — Leading Research Fellow at the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Literary Heritage.
Research interests:
- literary studies and cultural studies of space,
- the work of Russian writers of the XIX century,
- folklore,
- intertextual connections of Russian literature,
- source studies and commentary
Professional service
Selected scientific publications
- Historical Roots of Folklore Genres. Moscow, Kosygin Russian State University Publ., 2019. 175 p. (In Russ.)
- Description of Objects of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation: Scientific and Methodological Manual. Мoscow, Gosudarstvennyi respublikanskii tsentr russkogo fol'klora Publ., 2016. 152 p. (In Russ.)
- Lermontov's World: a Collective Monograph. St. Petersburg, Skriptorium, 2015. 976 p. (In Russ.)
Scopus / Web of Science
- “Review: A.G. Grodetskaya. Goncharov in the Maikov Literary House. The 1830s and 1840s. St. Petersburg, Polygraph Publ., 2021. 430 p.ˮ Voprosy literatury, no. 1, 2023, pp. 188–194. (In Russ.)
- “The ‘Kitezhs’ and ‘Atlantises’ of the Tver Region: a Modern Version of the Archaic Myth.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, 2023, vol. 67, pp. 95–111. (In Russ.)
- “A.S. Griboyedov and M.N. Zagoskin, or On the Problem of Describing the Literary Process.” Russkaia literatura, no. 3, 2023, pp. 117–126. (In Russ.)
- “Around The Blind Musician: The Artistic Representation of Deviant Sense Organs.ˮ Quaestio Rossica, vol. 7, no. 1, 2019, pp. 155–170. (In Russ.) DOI 10.15826/qr.2019.1.369.
- “Tradition and Traditionalism in the Modern World.ˮ Vestnik slavianskikh kul'tur, vol. 52, 2019, pp. 296–310. (Co-authored) (In Russ.)
- “The Storyline and Subject in A. S. Pushkin’s Poetics.ˮ Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 17, no. 2, 2019, pp. 86–110. (In Russ.)
- “V.G. Belinsky in Prjamukhino. On the History of the Play ‘Fifty-year-old Uncle, or a Strange Disease’.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, 2018, vol. 49, pp. 145–160. (In Russ.)
- “‘What’s Gertrude to Him?’ Mikhail Saltykov and Hortense Schneider.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, vol. 45, 2017, pp. 118–125. (In Russ.)
- “Alexandra Arkhipova. OBS Radio, Oblomingo Bird and Other Language Games in Modern Folklore. Moscow, Forum Publ., 2015. 172 p.ˮ Antropologicheskii forum, no. 30, 2016, pp. 289–296. (In Russ.)
- “Monitoring of the Scientific Life of the Anthropological Community (2015).ˮ Antropologicheskii forum, no. 25, 2015, pp. 193–269. (Co-authored) (In Russ.)
- “Down Russian Rivers: a Travelogue of the Modern Era.ˮ Quaestio Rossica, no. 2, 2015, pp. 106–115. (Co-authored with Elena Milyugina) (In Russ.)
Selected essays
- “Leo Tolstoy in the Documentary Films.ˮ Teatr. Zhivopis'. Kino. Muzyka: Al'manakh, no. 2, 2019, pp. 178–199. (In Russ.)
- “Mikhail Lomonosov: the Myth of Vocation of Culture.ˮ Kul'tura i tekst, no. 1, 2019, pp. 85–114. (In Russ.)
- “Overcome Space with Time. Time in the Russian Travelogue of the XIX Century.ˮ Czas w kulturze rosyjskiej. Время в русской культуре, ed. By Andrzej Dudek. Kraków, Wydawnictwo Księgarnia Akademicka Publ., 2019, pp. 405–412. (Series: Anthropology of Russian Culture) (In Russ.)
- “The Missing Book by M.N. Muravyov.ˮ Bibliophile 's Almanac, issue 42. Мoscow, Nauka Publ., 2019, pp. 115–132. (In Russ.)
- “Prince Mikhail of Tver and Edimonovo.ˮ Zavidovsky Readings: Materials of the 2018 Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow, Kosygin Russian State University Publ., 2019, pp. 94–106. (In Russ.)
- “Spiritual Verse about Zacchaeus in the Popular Consciousness.ˮ Holy Land in the Slavic-Russian Tradition: Collection of Articles, ed. by A.K. Konenkova, S.I. Mikhailova. Moscow, Kosygin Russian State University Publ., 2019, pp. 86–102. (In Russ.)
- “The Author's Presentation of a Deafblind Person in Literature.ˮ The Other Side of the Moon, or What We Don't Know About Disability: Theory, Representations, Practices: Collection of Articles. Ex. ed. A.S. Kurlenkova, E.E. Nosenko-Shtein. Мoscow, Izdatel'stvo MBA Publ., 2018, pp. 127–177. (In Russ.)
- “A.V. Kulagin: from Pushkin to Okudzhava.ˮ “As He Breathes, so He Writes ˮ: To the 60th Anniversary of Anatoly Valentinovich Kulagin: a Collection of Scientific Articles, ed. V.A. Viktorovich. Kolomna, GSGU Publ., 2018, pp. 63–73. (In Russ.)
- “About Folklorism of Saltykov.ˮ Russian folklore, vol. XXXVII: Folklore in Literature and Culture: the Boundaries of the Concept and the Essence of the Phenomenon (Collection of Articles and Materials in Memory of A.A. Gorelov), ex. ed. M.V. Reily. St. Petersburg, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2018, pp. 289–307. (In Russ.)
- “Facts of Life — Facts of Literature? Discussing ‘Chronicle of A.S. Griboyedov’s Life and Work. 1790–1829’, comp. by N.A. Tarkhova. Moscow, Minuvshee Publ., 2017. 608 p.” Literaturnyi fact, no. 10, 2018, pp. 439–463. (In Russ.)
- “Revolutionary Events in Folklore and Verbal Stories (Tver Records of the 1970s–2000s).” Zhivaia starina, no. 4 (96), 2017, pp. 35–38. (In Russ.)
- “Literary Life as a Literary Fact. A.V. Markov-Vinogradsky’s Diary.” Literaturnyi fact, no. 6, 2017, pp. 30–47. (In Russ.)
- “Water on the Russian Gentry Estate.” Meanings and Values of Water in Russian Culture. London, Taylor & Francis Publ., 2016, pp. 139–157. (Co-authored with Miliugina E.G.) (In English)
- “Travelogue as a Documentary Genre. Article One.” Russian Travelogue of the XVIII–XX Centuries: Routes, Topos, Genres and Narratives, Novosibirsk, NGPU Publ., 2016,pp. 231–260. (Co-authored with Miliugina E.G.) (In Russ.)