We would like to remind you that responsibility for violating copyright and related rights and for publishing the article that has already been printed in another edition rests with the author and not with the editorial board. But if plagiarism or fake bibliographic references are found during reviewing, the editorial board retains the right to refuse to publish the article, and not to accept this author’s other articles in future.
The reasons for the article’s withdrawal (RETRACTION), according to the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) https://publicationethics.org/retraction-guidelines, are any serious violations of scientific-publishing ethics, which include plagiarism, unreliable data, etc. The paper is subject to retraction if the fact of such violations was established after the print version of the issue in which it was included. When violations are discovered at the prepress stage, the paper is removed from consideration, and the author is sent a notification about this from the official editorial address.
Retraction is aimed at correcting published information and notifying readers of publications, that paper was containing inaccurate information, cases of repeated (multiple) publications of the same article in different publications, and / or plagiarism.
The paper in which such violations are found may be withdrawn by the author him- or herself or by the publisher / editor of the journal, and in the case of the author’s refusal to withdraw his article at the request of the editorial board after the fact of violations has been established.
The results of retraction are pointed in the journal with the corresponding indication of the fact of the withdrawal of the paper and its reasons. However, since the paper could already be cited in other scientific works, a review does not mean its removal from the journal, from its website or from bibliographic databases, where the article remains with the notification of the recall and the preservation of the digital object identifier (DOI) or other permanent link that defines its location.