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2022 №26

Author: Elena V. Kudrina
About the author:

Elena V. Kudrina — PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia.


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The work gives a bibliographical description of the contents of the children’s magazine “Severnoe Siyanie” (published in 1919–1920 in Petrograd, edited by M. Gorky). The authors of the magazine were V. Shishkov, A. Chapygin, F. Groshikov, V. Knyazev, V. Voinov, S. Morozova, V. Abramova, M. Beketova, P. Surozhsky, V. Mai, T. Sapozhnikova, V. Tomilina, A. Radakov and others. S.V. Chekhonin, P.D. Buchkin, V.M. Konashevich, V.S. Svarog and others were involved in the magazine as artists. The introductory part of the article gives the general characteristics of the journal, presents the publisher I.R. Belopolsky and indicates the role of M. Gorky, who led the editorial work. The article considers the purpose and objectives of the journal, analyzes the first responses of reviewers, shows the degree of influence of the journal on subsequent children’s periodicals. The editorial board of the magazine started a new development in children’s literature and Soviet children’s journalism. The list of the contents of the magazine includes all 7 issues of the “Severnoe Siyanie,” as well as the “Applications” (“Appendices”) to the magazine — brochures “Library of the Magazine ‘Severnoe Siyanie’.”

Keywords: children’s magazine “Severnoe Siyanie,” Russian children’s literature, children’s periodicals, bibliography, M. Gorky, I.R. Belopolsky.
For citation:

Kudrina, E.V. “‘Severnoe Siyanie. A Magazine for Children’ (Petrograd, 1919–1920). Table of Contents.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 4 (26), 2022, pp. 278–296. (In Russ.)

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