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2022 №24

Author: Monika V. Orlova
About the author:

Monika V. Orlova — PhD, Leading Research Fellow, Silver Age museum (V.Ya. Briusov House), Vladimir Dahl State Museum for the History of Russian Literature, Mira ave. 30, 129090 Moscow, Russia.


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The article is devoted to the outstanding Russian poet of the late 19th–early 20th century Valery Bryusov as a teacher who influenced many of his contemporaries. The paper starts with his students at “Bryusov Institute” overview. Then the critic Korney Chukovsky’, the writer Alexei Remizov’, and the poet Nikolai Gumilyov’ attitudes to their teacher Bryusov are briefly reviewed. The article mostly focuses on the relationships between Bryusov and his female students including his wife Ioanna Bryusova, and a writer Nina Petrovskaya. The special attention is given to Bryusov’s influence on Nadezhda L’vova. The article contains a review of a recently edited book about Nadezha L’vova by Tat'yana Karpacheva. The appendix document “In dubio pro reo” written by lawyer V.K. Chakilev refutes all the charges against Bryusov who was accused of the suicide of L’vova in the book.

Keywords: V.Ya. Bryusov, I.M. Bryusova, N.I. Petrovskaya, N.G. L’vova, Paul Verlaine, Russian literature of the early 20th century, French literature of the late 19th century, correspondences.
For citation:

Orlova, M.V. "Valery Bryusov and his Students. The Case of Nadezhda L’vova.". Literaturnyi fakt, no. 2 (24), 2022, pp. 199–229. (In Russ.)


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