
2016 №1-2

Author: Mikhail Stroganov
About the author:

Mikhail V. Stroganov, Doctor Hab., Professor at Kosygin Russian State University Moscow/Tver’.

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Textological history of a poem by S.D. Drozhzhin “Homeland” (1871–1923) reflects a complex evolution of a peasant poet. It would have been unjustful to see in it only an attempt to fit into current political situation. This evolution reflects the transition from the pessimism that is quite typical for the peasant class to the optimism of intelligentsia.

Keywords: textology, editing, Spiridon Drozhzhin, peasant poet.

Drozhzhin S.D. Sobranie sochinenii: V 3 t. [Works. In 3 vols], gl. red. M.V. Stroganov. Tver’: SFK-ofis Publ., 2015.

Stroganov M.V. Narodnyi poet [Peasant Poet]. Spiridon Drozhzhin. Glazami sovremennikov i potomkov: Stat’i i vospominaniia [Spiridon Drozhzhin through the Eyes of His Contemporaries and Descendants. Articles and Memoirs]. Red. M.V. Stroganov. Tver’, Zolotaia bukva Publ., 2001. pp. 10–20.

Stroganov M.V. Dve Rossii: «shirokaia, prostornaia» i «topi da bolota» [Two Russias: “Wide and Spacious” and “Marshes and Swamps”]. Obraz Rossii v literature XIX–XXI vv.: Materialy mezhdunar. nauchn. konferentsii [Image of Russia in the 19–21 centuries literature: Materials of an International Conference]. Red. N.Z. Kokovina, M.V. Stroganov. Kursk, 2008. pp. 5–28.

Stroganov M.V. Step’ i boloto kak landshaftnye obrazy Rossii: ot traditsionnoi kul’tury k avtorskomu soznaniiu [Steppe and Marsh as Landscape Images of Russia: from the Traditional Culture to Author’s Consciousness]. Prirodnye stikhii v russkoi slovesnosti [Natural Elements in Russian Literature]. Otv. red. A.I. Smirnova. Moscow, LENANDR Publ., 2015. pp. 5–21.