
2016 №1-2

Author: Mikhail V. Efimov
About the author:

Mikhail V. Efimov, senior researcher, The State cultural establishment of Leningrad region «Vyborg United Museum Preserve», Vyborg, Leningrad region, Russia.

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The life and works of Prince D.P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky (D.S. Mirsky) (1890–1939), the eminent literary critic and historian of literature, have attracted increasing attention in recent years. A comprehensive understanding of the importance of the personality and achievements of D.P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky is gradually being formed. He was one of the leading figures in Russian literature abroad during the 1920s, a significant participant in the Eurasian movement, and a distinguished intermediary between Russian emigrants and European intellectuals. Introducing the inaccessible and currently forgotten texts of D.P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky to Russian researchers is an urgent undertaking.

The present publication presents annotated translations into Russian of articles and reviews by Svyatopolk-Mirsky in “Slavische Rundschau” (1929–1932). This journal was published in Prague in German, and its East Slavic section was edited by Roman Jakobson. Svyatopolk-Mirsky’s participation resulted from an invitation by Jakobson.

Svyatopolk-Mirsky made eight contributions in “Slavische Rundschau”. There are three analytical survey articles (on the literature of Russian emigration, on the modern Russian historical novel, and on the reception of Dostoevsky’s work in Europe); three reviews of historical and literary publications (books by N. von Arsenyev, M. Alekseev, and B. Kirpotin); and two surveys of UK cultural events concerning Russia.

The German-language works of Svyatopolk-Mirsky constitute an important part of his heritage, and are essential for a better understanding of the evolution of Svyatopolk-Mirsky’s views.

Keywords: Svyatopolk-Mirsky, Slavische Rundschau, Slavic studies, Roman Jacobson, Russia abroad, Prague, Dostoyevsky, historical novel, Great Britain, history of literature

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