
2017 №3

Author: Olga A. Bogdanova
About the author:

Olga A. Bogdanova, Doctor of philological sciences, senior researcher of A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

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This is the first publication of four letters by outstanding literary and textual critic V.L. Komarovich, addressed to the well-known historian of Russian literature P.E. Shchegolev, stored in the archive of A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences. They enrich the understanding of the context of the birth of the science about F.M. Dostoevsky in the seminaries of A.K. Borozdin and S.A. Vengerov in Petrograd University in the 1910s, clarify the circumstances of the initial stage of its development in the dialogue between Petrograd, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod researchers associated with the publication of unknown texts of the great writer (omitted chapter of the novel “Demons” — “At Tikhon’s”) and newfound facts of his biography (the root causes of breakup with V.G. Belinsky and close friendship with A.N. Pleshcheev in the 1840s). Publishing letters are considered as a part of the forthcoming publication of V.L. Komarovich “Articles and studies on F.M. Dostoevsky”.

Keywords: V.L. Komarovich, P.E. Shchegolev, letters, Petrograd University, Seminary of A.K. Borozdin, F. Dostoyevsky’s novel “Demons”, chapter “At Tikhon”, the article “Dostoevsky’s youth”, Nizhny Novgorod University.

Bogdanova O.A. Mif Dostoevskogo v poezii B.A. Sadovskogo i nauchnoi proze V.L. Komarovicha [The myth of Dostoevsky in poetry by B.A. Sadovsky and scientific prose by V.L. Komarovich]. Russkaia literatura [Russian literature], 2016, no 4, pp. 171–181. (In Russ.)

Zakharov V.N. «Besy»: opyt rekonstruktsii zhurnal’noi redaktsii romana [“Demons”: the experience of reconstruction magazine edition of the novel]. Dostoevskii F.M. Poln. sobr. soch. Izdanie v staroi orfografii i punktuatsii [Dostoevsky F.M. Complete works. Edition in old spelling and punctuation]. Vol. 9, Prilozhenie [Application]. Petrozavodsk, 2010, pp. 673–706. (In Russ.)

Komarovich V.L. Nenapisannaia poema Dostoevskogo [Unwritten poem of Dostoevsky]. F.M. Dostoevskii. Stat'i i materialy [F.M. Dostoevsky. Articles and materials], ed. by A.S. Dolinin, issue I. Peterburg, Mysl’ Publ. 1922, pp. 177–207. (In Russ.)

Fomin A.G. S.A. Vengerov kak professor i rukovoditel’ Pushkinskogo seminariia [S.A. Vengerov as Professor and head of the Pushkin Seminary]. Pushkinskii sbornik pamiati professora Semena Afanasevicha Vengerova. Pushkinist IV [The Pushkin collection to the memory of Professor Semen Afanasjevich Vengerov. The Pushkin scholar IV], ed. by N.V. Iakovlev. Moscow, Petrograd, Gosizdat Publ., 1922, pp. X–XXXIII. (In Russ.)