
2017 №3

Author: Elena V. Khvorostianova
About the author:

Khvorostianova Elena Viktorovna — doctor of philological Sciences, professor, St. Petersburg State University, Russia.

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This article analyzes the parodies of the early work of D.S. Merezhkovsky, published in St. Petersburg and Moscow humor magazines of the second half of 1880- the first half of the 1890s the Majority of these parodic texts focused (i.e., used as texts-sources) on the first (journal) publication of poems by the author. This fact forces us to reconsider the conventional idea of what real fame Merezhkovsky finds only in the late 1890s — 1910s, and also supply a textual question about unidentified up to this time the first publications of his poems. In contrast to critical discourse, discourse parody seek to highlight what distinguishes Merezhkovsky from the poets „preceding stage“. Not coincidentally (since 1885), it classifies the poet to the so-called „new poets“, and later poetsdecadents, among which — N.M. Minsk, K.M. Fofanov, S.G. Frug, K.K. Sluchevsky, S.A. Andrievsky (and most of the parodies of Merezhkovsky included in the cycles of parodies of the „new poets“). The „exclusivity“ of the lyrical hero, the ambivalence of the heroine, combining angelic and demonic beginning, finally, the desire to connect and to reconcile Christianity with paganism — all this makes the parodist to see the poems do not link with tradition (primarily folk poetry), but rather separation from it. Parodic discourse picks up something new that is not yet finally emerged as the characteristic features of the author's style (in the broad sense) much earlier than a critical discourse. From the mid–1890s cycles, including parodies of various authors, are replaced by „synthetic“ parodies of the decadents. But in many of them, „synthesizing“ the characteristic features of a new direction, are still quite recognizable quotations, allusions, reminiscences (sometimes — scattered images) of the early poetry of Merezhkovsky. Several of these texts (to demonstrate their stylistic and genre diversity) are given in the Appendix.

Keywords: history of Russian literature, theory of literature, poetics, literary parody, humorous journalism, D.S. Merezhkovsky.

1. Avantjur'er <Amfiteatrov A.V.> Literaturnye novinki. 6. D. Merezhkovskomu («Simvoly») [New in the literature 6. D. Merezhkovsky („Symbols“)] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1892, № 12, p. 5. (In Russ.)

2. Avantjur'er <Amfiteatrov A.V.> Nashi kritiki [Our critics] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1891, № 41, p. 4. (In Russ.)

3. A.N. <Nesterov A.K. (?)> Perevody s russkogo na russkij. II. Vopl' (Iz Merezhkovskogo, nado polagat') [Translation from Russian into Russian. II. Cry (Merezhkovsky, presumably)] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1885, № 51, p. 6. (In Russ.)

4. B/p. Liry nashih pojetov [Lira our poets] // Razvlechenie [Entertainment], 1893, № 7, p. 11. (In Russ.)

5. B/p. Sovremennyj Pegas [Modern Pegasus] // Strekoza [Dragonfly], 1887, № 48, p. 1. (In Russ.)

6. Graf Nulin <Sokolov N.A.> Dachnaja idillija (a la’dekadent) [Country idyll (a La decadent)] // Razvlechenie [Entertainment], 1895. № 21, p. 10. (In Russ.)

7. Zherom Peresmeshnikov <Budishhev A.N. (?)> Podrazhanija novym pojetam. Preuvedomlenie [True poets. Introduction] // Strekoza [Dragonfly], 1888, № 22, p. 6–7. (In Russ.)

8. I. Grjek. Nashi dekadenty [Our decadent] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1892, № 41, p. 5. (In Russ.)

9. I-s-a-j R. <Rozenberg I.S.> Tozhe stihotvorenie (posvjashhaetsja gg. dekadentam) [The same poem (dedicated to. the decadents)] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1895, № 9, p. 5. (In Russ.)

10. Krylov Vjacheslav. Recepcija kritiki i publicistiki D.S. Merezhkovskogo v parodijah nachala XX veka [Reception criticism and journalism D.S. Merezhkovsky in the parodies beginning of the XX century] // D.S. Merezhkovsky: the writer, religious philosopher, and social experimenter. 150 years since the birth of 75 years from the date of death, the 95th anniversary of the stay in Warsaw / Toronto Slavic Quaterly. 2016. No. 57. Available at: (In Russ.)

11. Ksi-psi. <Simonov P.E. (?)> V pogone za frazoju [In pursuit of the phrase] // Strekoza [Dragonfly], 1887, № 44, p. 3. (In Russ.)

12. K.T. <Bergman S.A. (?)> Dekadentskaja kartinka [Decadent picture] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1895, № 48, p. 6. (In Russ.)

13. Lavrov A.V. Dmitrij Sergeevich Merezhkovskij (1865–1941) [Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky (1865–1941)] // Literatura russkogo zarubezh'ja (19201940): uchebnik dlja vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij Rossijskoj Federacii [Russian emigre literature (1920–1940): the textbook for higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation] / ed. Ed. B.V. Averin, N.A. Karpov, S.D. Titarenko. St. Petersburg: Faculty of Philology, SPbSU Publ., 2013. pp. 344–364. (In Russ.)

14. Lavrov A.V. Merezhkovskij Dmitrij Sergeevich [Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeyevich] // Russkie pisateli. 18001917. Biograficheskij slovar’. [Russian writers. 1800–1917. Biographical dictionary. Vol. 4: M–P]. Moscow, „Great Russian encyclopedia“; nauchno-vnedrencheskoe predpriyatie FIANIT, 1999. pp. 17–27. (In Russ.)

15. L. M-v. <Medvedev L.M. (?)> Iz nashih pojetov. I. Iz Merezhkovskogo [Of our poets. I. Merezhkovsky] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1887, № 21, p. 4. (In Russ.)

16. Markiz Vral’ i K <Doroshevich V.M.> Perly pojezii. Chto zh ty za ptica? (Vol'noe podrazhanie Merezhkovskomu) [Pearls of poetry. What's up with you? (A free imitation of Merezhkovsky)] // Razvlechenie [Entertainment], 1887, № 48, p. 11. (In Russ.)

17. Merezhkovskij D.S. Sobranie stihotvorenij. SPb.: Folio-Press, 2000. 736 p. (In Russ.)

18. N-t <Galkin A.K.> Iz poveste jdekadenta [From stories of decadent] // Strekoza [Dragonfly], 1894, № 39, p. 8. (In Russ.)

19. 19 Pojempo <Popov P.M.> Iz pesen o Francii [From songs about France] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1892, № 51, p. 5. (In Russ.)

20. Rejtblat A. Ot Bovy k Bal’montu. Ocherki po istorii chtenija v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka [From the Bova to Balmont. Essays on the history of reading in Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century]. Moscow, Izd-vo MPI, 1991. 224 p. (In Russ.)

21. Sam ne svoj <Pastuhov N.I. (?)>. Osennie pesni [Autumn songs] // Strekoza [Dragonfly], 1891, № 40, p. 3. (In Russ.)

22. T. <Petrov A.P.> Nechto dekadentskoe [Something decadent] // Strekoza [Dragonfly], 1894, № 36, p. 3. (In Russ.)

23. Uspenskaja A.V. D.S. Merezhkovskij [D.S. Merezhkovsky] // Merezhkovskij D.S. Sobraniestihotvorenij [Collection of poems]. St. Petersburg, Folio-Press Publ., 2000, pp. 6–44. (In Russ.)

24. Fioletovyj glaz <Mazurkevich V.A.> Dekadentskie vopli [Decadent cries] // Strekoza [Dragonfly], 1895, № 24, p. 3. (In Russ.)

25. Hvorost'janova E.V. Parodija — literaturnaja kritika (K problem razgranichenija) [Parody — literary criticism (the problem of demarcation)] // Kul’turnoistoricheskij dialog. Tradicijaitekst. [Cultural-historical dialogue. Tradition and text]. St. Petersburg, Izd-vo St. Petersburg state University, 1993, pp. 99–113. (In Russ.)

26. Hvorost’janova E.V. Slovovers. Parodija [The word vers. Parody] // Imja — sjuzhet — mif. [Name — story — myth] / Pod red. N.M. Gerasimovoj. St. Petersburg, Izd-vo SPb GU, 1995, pp. 195–212. (In Russ.)

27. Hvorost’janova E.V. Literaturnaja parodija kak literature [Literary parody as literature] // Sub specie tolerantiae. Pamjati V.A. Tunimanova [Under the form of pp. 428–438. (In Russ.)

28. Boz <Mihajlov K.A.> Vera (Dlinnaja pojema s korotkim soderzhaniem, soch. Merezhkovskogo, sm. «Sev. Vestn.») [Vera (Long poem, short contents, Op. Merezhkovsky, see „the North. Vestn“.)] // Oskolki [Fragments], 1890, № 23, p. 5. (In Russ.)