
2017 №3

Author: Andrei A. Babikov
About the author:

Andrei A. Babikov, Russian émigré literature researcher, Moscow, Russia.

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This publication of Vladimir Nabokov’s archival materials presents annotated Russian translations of two lectures on Soviet drama (with excluded fragments and first variants) prepared by him for his Wellesley college course in 1941; his review “Soviet Literature 1940” written for the “Decision” journal (New York), but rejected by it; as well as other Nabokov’s statements on Soviet literature from the nineteen-forties and fifties. The publication substantially expands and deepens our understanding of the range of his reading interests at the time while allowing us to determine his opinions regarding Soviet literature, from belles lettres to the theater. It testifies to the interconnectedness of his opinions with those of such leading émigré critics as Georgy Adamovich and Vladislav Hodasevich not only in the area of émigré literature, but also in Russian literary studies in the USA. The publication is preceded by an introduction, which highlights many lesser-known and unknown issues and sources on the subject. The publication is provided with detailed notes.

Keywords: Vladimir Nabokov, archival materials, translation into Russian, theory of drama, émigré criticism, soviet literature, American Russian philology.

Adamovič 2015: Adamovič G.V. Literaturnye besedy [Conversations on literature] (Zveno) // Sobr. soch.: V 18 t. [Collected works: in 18 vol.] Sost., prim. O. Korosteljov. T. 2. M.: Izdatel'stvo Dmitri Sechin.

Boyd 2010: Boyd B. Vladimir Nabokov. Amerikanskie gody [Vladimir Nabokov. The American years]. SPb.: Simposium.

Hodasevič 1996-a: Hodasevič V.F. Literatura i vlast' v sovetskoi Rossii // Nekropol'. Vospominanija. Literatura i vlast'. Pis'ma B.A. Sadovskomu [Literature and power in Soviet Russia // Necropolis. Memories. Literature and Power. Letters to B.A. Sadovski]. Sost. S. Sil'vanovič, M. Shatin. Komm. N. Bogomolov, prim. I. Andreevoi. M.: SS.

Hodasevič 1996-b: Sobr. soch.: V 4 t. [Collected works: in 4 vol.] Sost. I. Andreevoi i dr. M.: Soglasie. T. 2.

Hodasevič 2010: Sobr. soch.: V 8 t. [Collected works: in 8 vol.] Sost. J. Malmstad, R. Hughes. M.: Russkii Put'.

Nabokov 1975: Dar [The gift]. Ann Arbor: Ardis.

Nabokov 1999: Nabokov V.V. Torzhestvo dobrodeteli [The triumph of virtue] // Sobr. soch. russkogo perioda: V 5 t. [Collected works of Russian period: in 5 vol.] Sost. N.I. Artemenko-Tolstoi. SPb.: Simposium. T. 2.

Nabokov 2000-a: [G. Svet] Vstrecha s avtorom «Lolity» [A meeting with the author of Lolita] (Novoe Russloe Slovo. 6 fevralja 1961) [New Russian word (newspaper). February 6. 1961] // Sobr. soch. russkogo perioda: V 5 t. SPb.: Simposium. T. 5.

Nabokov 2000-b: Nabokov V.V. O Hodaseviče [On Hodasevič] // Sobr. soch. russkogo perioda: V 5 t. SPb.: Simposium. T. 5.

Nabokov 2008: Tragedia gospodina Morna. P'esy. Lekzii o drame [The tragedy of mister Morn. Plays. Lectures on drama]. Sost., prim. A. Babikov. SPb.: Azbuka.

Nabokov 2014: Nabokov-Sirin V.V. O Pushkine. O Bloke [On Pushkin. On Blok]. Publ., prim. S. Shvabrina. Novyi Zhurnal. New York. Kn. 277.

Nabokov 2015: Vzgljani na arlekinov! [Look at the Harlequins!] Per. s ang., prim. [transl. from English and notes] A. Babikov. Izd. 4, utochn. i dop. [The fourth edition, revised and expanded] SPb.: Azbuka.

Nabokov 2016: Polnoe sobranie rasskazov [Complete collection of short stories]. Sost., prim. A. Babikov. Izd. tret'e., utochn. [The third, revised edition] SPb.: Azbuka.

Nabokov 2017: Pis'ma V.V. Nabokova k V.F. Hodaseviču i N.N. Berberovoi. Pis'mo N. Berberovoi k V. Nabokovu [V.V. Nabokov’s letters to V.F. Hodasevič and N.N. Berberov. A letter from N. Berberov to V. Nabokov]. Publ., prim. A. Babikov i M. Shruba. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. Ed. by Stefan Newerkla & Fedor Poljakov. N. F. 5 (2017). (In print.)

Nabokov–Wilson: Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya. The Nabokov–Wilson Letters, 1940–1971. Ed. by S. Karlinsky. California University Press: Berkeley et al., 2001.

Nabokov papers: Letters to Zinaida Shakhovskoy. Nabokov Archive / Manuscript Division, The US Library of Congress. Washington, DC.

Vishnevski 1987: Vishnevski V.V. Optimisticheskaya tragedia [An optimistic tragedy] // Shtorm. P'esy o revolutsii [Storm. Plays on revolution]. Sost. S. Nikulin. M.: Sovremennik.