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- Abstract:
The article reviews the contemporary state of Gogol studies from the standpoint putting latest sources into use and their interpretation. In recent years, the source base in Gogol studies has been considerably renewed. The new biographical works has appeared. The three-volume systematic collection of memoirs and documents has got into print. The next volumes of the new academic edition of Gogol (by the Institute of World Literature of RAS) and the Complete works and letters in 17 volumes have been published. The latter for the first time presents Gogol’s complete correspondence (including his addressees’ answers) and provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date Chronicle of Gogol’s life and works. The accumulated facts need systemizing and generalization. Many formerly unknown facts of Gogol’s life and works are to be scholarly researched and interpreted.
- Keywords: Gogol, source study, textual criticism, memoir study, correspondence, scholar biography, interpretation
- References:
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