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- Abstract:
The article raises the question of bringing out and defining the “focus of meaning” — i.e. the writer’s purport in the process of creative work, in order to properly understand the text. One of the main practical conclusions that could be drawn out of the practice of patristic interpretation of the evangelical parables is that one should always follow the main idea neglecting the minor details which serve only as a basis of the plot, i.e. the embodiment of the topic. For the first time this principle is applied to a highly problematic work in the Russian literary history — Gogol’s famous Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends (1847). The article specifies the significance of this book in Gogol’ legacy and outlines a panorama of Gogol's heritage as a whole.
- Keywords: Gogol, biography, creative work, public ideology, censorship, interpretation, hermeneutics, spiritual heritage.
- References:
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