
2017 №5

Author: Aleksandr Yu. Galushkin
About the author:

Aleksandr Yu. Galushkin (1960–2014), PhD, Head of the Literary Heritage sector, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Author 2: Maksim A. Frolov
About the author 2:

Maksim A. Frolov, PhD, Senior research fellow, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

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The publication is dedicated to one of the worst episodes in the history of the Literary Heritage academic series, connected with the publication of its 65-th volume — Novoye o Mayakovskom (New Materials on Mayakovsky, 1958), which comprised, among other biographic materials, V.V. Mayakovsky’s letters to L.Yu. Brik (1917–1930). The materials of the volume (including archival documents and materials from the Soviet press) reconstructed fully and in great detail gradual accruement of social and political scandal that involved journalists critics, representatives of the official Soviet literary criticism, senior officials of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet Academy of Sciences, and, finally, the poet’s sister L.V. Mayakovskaya. The shorthand report published herewith was prepared for publication as a part of the research project «Literary Heritage: the scholar school and the academic series in the history of Russian literary criticism, 1930–1980», launched by A.Yu. Galuskin for the anniversary of edition and supported by Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund in 2015. At a later stage a documentary edition is to be prepared comprising a significant number of various materials (oral memories of I.S. Silberstein and S.A. Makashin, correspondence, shorthand reports) on the history of the Literary Heritage series, and Russian philology in general.

Keywords: Literary Heritage academic series, Novoye o Mayakovskom, I.S. Silberstein, S.A. Makashin, V.V. Mayakovsky, L.Yu. Brik, Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

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