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- Abstract:
In work new approach to the analysis of real historical sources and characters of the novel of M.A. Bulgakov “Master and Margarita” is offered. In the first note the prototypes of “theatre director” changing from edition to edition are analyzed. On the basis of documents of diplomatic correspondence of the Latvian Embassy it is shown that the director of Maly Theatre Kozlov who was earlier not joining in the list of prototypes of the novel was “theatre director” from the finishing edition and also the destiny and arrest of the baron Maygel (Shteyger) connected with scenes of “the Ball of the Satan” is tracked. In the second note the reasons of inclusion in number of prototexts of the novel of the play of K.R. “Tsar the Judaic” are analyzed.
- Keywords: M.A. Bulgakov, “Master and Margarita”, historical sources, prototypes of the novel, Baron Maigel, K.R., “Tsar the Judaic”, A. Kugel.
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