
2017 №5

Author: Sergey N. Morozov
About the author:

Sergey N. Morozov, PhD, senior researcher, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

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The article is devoted to the history of editing, preparation and publication of I.A. Bunin’s Collected Works in the publishing house “Petropolis”. Excerpts of the writer's correspondence with the official representative of the publishing house M.S. Kaplan are published. In accordance with the contract, Bunin’s Collected Works were to be published during 1934–1935. However, Bunin's cooperation with Petropolis became a permanent problem due to constant delays and incompetence of the editors.

Keywords: I.A. Bunin, Twentieth century Russian literature, Petropolis publishing house.

Bunin I.A. Sobranie sochinenii: V 8 t. [Collected works: In 8 vols.]. Sost., primech. A.K. Baboreko. Moscow, Slovo Publ., 2000. T. 7. 680 p. (In Russ.)

Bunin I.A. Publitsistika 1918–1953 godov [Publicism of 1918–1953]. Pod obshch. red. O.N. Mikhailova; Komment. S.N. Morozova, D.D. Nikolaeva, E.M. Trubilovoi. Moscow, IMLI, Nasledie Publ., 1998. 640 p. (In Russ.)