
2017 №5

Author: Yulia A. Rykunina
About the author:

Yulia A. Rykunina, PhD, freelance researcher, Moscow.

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Vladimir Gippius, poet and critic, viewed negatively the new poetic movement called “Acmeism”. In his essays, published in the newspaper Rech’ (1913) he discussed this phenomenon in terms of aestheticism, religious and political indifference. Gippius’ essay published herewith is an emotional response to the manifests of Acmeism by Nikolay Gumilev and Sergey Gorodetskiy, that appeared in Apollon magazine (January, 1913). Gippius states explicitly his objections to Acmeist program and at the same time explicates his own literary views, his attitudes and poetic credo.

Keywords: Vladimir Gippius, Acmeism, Symbolism, Nikolay Gumilev, Sergey Gorodetskiy.

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