
2017 №5

Author: Alexey Balakin
About the author:

Alexey Yu. Balakin, senior research fellow, Institute of Russian Literature (the Pushkin House), Assistant Professor at Saint-Petersburg State University.

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The article introduces into scientific discourse new documents that describe how I.A. Goncharov was teaching Nikolay Aleksandrovich, the crown prince and the heir to the throne, Russian and literature (1857–1858). The documents are: a memoir by Ya.K. Grot, a the crown prince’s teacher, and Nikolay Aleksandrovich’s class register book for the period when Gonchariv was teaching him.

Keywords: I.A. Goncharov, crown prince Nikolay Aleksandrovich, Ya.K. Grot, V.P. Titov, V.I. Klassovsky, Imperial Household, teaching.

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