
2018 №10

Author: M.V. Stroganov (comp.)
About the author:

Mikhail Stroganov, DLitt, Professor, Leading Research Associate, Gorky Institute of World Literature, Moscow, Russia.

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Author 2: Mark Altshuller
About the author 2:

Mark Altshuller, Cand. Sc. (Philology), Prof. Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, USA.

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Author 3: Sergey Dmitriev
About the author 3:

Sergey Dmitriev, Cand. Sc. (History), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

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Author 4: Nadezhda Tarkhova
About the author 4:

Nadezhda Tarkhova, independent researcher, Moscow, Russia.

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Author 5: Albina Filippova
About the author 5: Albina Filippova, Cand. Sc. (Philology), General Director Deputy for Scientific Work, State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve of A.S. Griboyedov “Khmelita”, Smolensk Oblast, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The discussion is devoted to the problems of A.S. Griboyedov’s biography, actualized by a new chronicle of his life and work. Particular attention is attracted by the problem of the writer’s birth year and his social status (legal birth / illegitimacy), as well as Griboyedov’s psychological state resulting from it. The authors raise questions of genre nature and structure of a chronicle, which gives the discussion a universally significant character.

Keywords: A.S. Griboedov, biography, chronicle of life and work, illegitimate children in the 19th century.
For citation:

Facts of life — facts of literature? Discussing “Chronicle of A.S. Griboyedov’s Life and Work. 1790–1829”. Comp. by N.A. Tarkhova. Moscow, Minuvshee Publ., 2017. 608 p. Literary fact, 2018, no. 10, pp. 439–463.


A.S. Griboedov. Materialy k biografii: Sb. nauch. trudov [A.S. Griboedov. Materials for biography: Sci. Proc.], ed. by S. Fomichev. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1989. 287 p. (In Russ.)

A.S. Griboedov v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov [A.S. Griboedov in memoirs of his contemporaries], intro., comp. and ed. by S.A. Fomichev, comment. by P.S. Krasnov, S.A. Fomichev. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaia literatura Publ., 1980. 448 p. (In Russ.)

Filippova A.A. Usadebnyi mir detstva Aleksandra Shakhovskogo: k biografii dramaturga [The manor house world of Alexander Shakhovskoy’s childhood: on the playwright's biography]. Vestnik Brianskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2016, no. 3, pp. 101–106. (In Russ.)

Fomichev S. Griboedov: Entsiklopediia [Griboyedov: Encyclopedia]. St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2007. 394 p. (In Russ.)

Glagoleva O.E., Fomin N.K. Nezakonnorozhdennye deti v XVIII v.: novye materialy o poluchenii V.A. Zhukovskim dvorianskogo statusa [Illegitimate children in the 18th century.: New materials on V.A. Zhukovsky’s nobility]. Otechestvennaia istoriia, 2002, no. 6, pp. 163–175. (In Russ.)

Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva A.S. Pushkina: V 4 t. [Chronicle of A.S. Pushkin’s life and work, in 4 vols.], comp. by M.A. Tsiavlovskii, N.A. Tarkhova. Moscow, Slovo Publ., 1999. 592, 542, 624, 750 p. (In Russ.)

Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva E.A. Boratynskogo. 1800–1844 [Chronicle of E.A. Boratynsky’s life and work. 1800–1844], comp. by A.M. Peskov, ed. by E.E. Liamina and A.M. Peskov. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 1998. 488 p. (In Russ.)

Ovchinnikov G.D. O detskikh godakh Aleksandra Griboedova. Po arkhivnym dokumentam [On Alexander Griboedov’s childhood. Based on archival documents]. Khmelitskii sbornik. Vyp. 9 [Khmelita collection. Iss. 9]. Smolensk, 2008, pp. 6–10. (In Russ.)

Simakina G.F., Filippova A.A. Biografiia i tvorchestvo A.S. Griboedova: nauchnaia rabota v muzee-zapovednike “Khmelita” [A.S. Griboedov’s biography and work: scientific work in the Khmelita museum-reserve]. Khmelitskii sbornik. Vyp. 16 [Khmelita collection. Iss. 16]. Viaz'ma, 2014, pp. 120–127. (In Russ.)

Skorokhodov M.V. Istochniki letopisi zhizni i tvorchestva pisatelia [Sources for a chronicle of writer’s life and work]. Kul'turnaia zhizn' Iuga Rossii, 2009, no. 3 (32), pp. 77–78. (In Russ.)

Skorokhodov M.V. Stanovlenie zhanra Letopisi zhizni i tvorchestva pisatelia (1930-e gody) [Formation of chronicle of writer’s life and work as a genre (1930s)]. Kul'turnaia zhizn' Iuga Rossii, 2008, no. 3 (28), pp. 92–94. (In Russ.)

Stroganov M.V. God rozhdeniia Griboedova, ili “Polputi zhizni” [Birth year of Griboyedov, or “Life’s halfway”]. A.S. Griboedov. Materialy k biografii [A.S. Griboyedov. Materials for biography]. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1989, pp. 10–16. (In Russ.)

Stroganov M.V. Literaturnyi byt kak literaturnyi fakt. Dnevnik A.V. Markova-Vinogradskogo [Literary life as a literary fact. A.V. Markov-Vinogradsky’s diary]. Literaturnyi fakt, 2017, no. 6, pp. 30–47. (In Russ.)

Tarkhova N. K probleme izucheniia biografii Griboedova segodnia [On the problem of studying Griboedov’s biography today]. Voprosy literatury, 2013, no. 4, pp. 130–150. (In Russ.)

Tarkhova N.A. Pochemu u Griboedova byl gerb (k probleme biografii) [Why Griboyedov had a coat of arms (on the problem of biography)]. Khmelitskii sbornik. Vyp. 17 [Khmelita collection. Iss. 17]. Viaz'ma, 2016, pp. 108–115. (In Russ.)

Tarkhova N.A. Rekonstruktsiia sobytiinogo riada zhizni Griboedova po sovremennym emu istochnikam (k rabote nad Letopis'iu) [Reconstruction of the event line of Griboedov’s life according to the sources of his time (working on the Chronicle)]. Khmelitskii sbornik. Vyp. 16 [Khmelita collection. Iss. 16]. Viaz'ma, 2014, pp. 160–174. (In Russ.)