
2018 №10

Author: Sergey Panov
About the author:

Sergey I. Panov, PhD, senior research fellow, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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Durylin’s article published herewith is devoted to P.A.Vyazemsky’s poem. The paper considers various versions of the article which help to reconstruct the methods of research that Durylin as a historian of literature used to apply in his studies: the main attention was paid to the historical and biographical context combined with the close analysis of the literary text. The fact that the article finished in 1929 remained unpublished, gives an idea of the situation in the Soviet editorial policy of the 1930-1950s in the field of scholarly editions on cultural history.

Keywords: S.N. Durylin, P.A. Vyazemsky. A.O. Smirnova (Rosset), Russian literary history, scholarly heritage, publication of archived materials
For citation:

Panov Sergey. S.N. Durylin’s Unpublished Article about P.A. Vyazemsky’s Poem “A Remark on Orthography”. Literary fact, 2018, no 10, pp. 321–354.


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