
2018 №10

Author: Ilona Motejunaite
About the author:

Ilona Motejunaite, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Pskov State University, Russia.

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The report makes comments on a fragment about Leskov's story “Sheramur” from the work “Nikolai Semenovich Leskov. Experience of Characteristics and Religious Creativity” by S.N. Durylin. The author considers the context (Leskov's story, Durylin's article “Richard Wagner and Russia” (1913), his essay “The Chief of Silence” (1916), etc.), determining its influence on the perception of the ambiguous Leskov's hero.

Keywords: S.N. Durylin, N.S. Leskov, “Sheramur”, Russian literature, perception.
For citation:

Motejunaite Ilona. Sergey Durylin on Nikolay Leskov’s “Sheramur”. Literary fact, 2018, no. 10, pp. 307–320.


Durylin S.N. Rus' prikrovennaia [Russia concealed]. Moscow, Palomnik Publ., 2000. 335 p. (In Russ.)

Durylin S.N. Stat'i i issledovaniia 1900–1920 godov [Articles and studies of 1900–1920], comp., intro. and comment. by A.I. Reznichenko, T.N. Rezvykh. St. Petersburg, Vladimir Dal' Publ., 2014. 895 p. (In Russ.)

Moteiunaite I.V. “Chreva radi iurodivyi” N.S. Leskova (Traditsii iurodstva v rasskaze “Sheramur”) [N.V. Leskov’s “holy fool for womb’s sake” (Traditions of foolishness for Christ in a short story “Sheramur”)]. Severo-Zapad: Istoriko-kul'turnyi regional'nyi vestnik. Vyp. III [North-West: Historical and cultural regional bulletin. Issue 3]. Cherepovets, 2000, pp. 88–99. (In Russ.)