
2018 №10

Author: Georgy Nefediev
About the author:

Georgy V. Nefediev, research fellow, Memorial S.N. Durylin House Museum, Moscow, Russia

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Long-term relations with the Metner family influenced considerably on S.N. Durylin’s biography and creative work. Literary, musical, artistic, and philosophical interests of the brothers Metner expanded horizons and enlarged the field of Durylin’s creative endeavor in the early 1910s. Durylin’s works on Symbolism in literature and art, Richard Wagner, Francis of Assisi are closely connected with Emiliy Metner’s publishing house “Musaget”, as well as artistic coteries and the journal “Trudy i dni” (“Works and Days”) fostered by “Musatget”. Durylin was a home teacher of Andrey Saburov, brothers Metner’s nephew (Durylin’s poems devoted to A. Saburov are published herewith); later in 1920-1930s Andrey Saburov became Durylin’s close friend and assistant in Durylin’s studies in literary history. The paper is based on archived materials.

Keywords: S.N. Durylin, the Metners, the Saburovs, publishing house “Musaget”, Russian literary history, biography
For citation:

Nefediev Georgy. S.N. Durylin and the Metners: Personal and Literary Relations. Literary fact, 2018, no 10, pp. 294–306.


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