
2018 №10

Author: Angelika Schmitt
About the author:

Angelika Bettina Schmitt, PhD student, Universität Trier, Germany.

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The article points out the connection between the Russian symbolist Andrei Bely's esoteric experience and his late historiosophical conception, which he wrote down in the unfinished work “The History of Formation of a Self-conscious Soul”. It is to be shown, that Belyʼs philosophy of culture is not just a paraphrase of ideas he borrowed from his esoteric teacher Rudolf Steiner, but is built on his own views on the developement of human history and culture, which grounds on his individual understanding of Steinerian ideas and his personal experience with the anthroposophic meditation techniques. The basic term of Belyʼs historiosophical work, the concept of “self-conscious soul” and its esoteric contexts are only briefly outlined and the baselines of this philosophy of culture are demonstrated. The genesis and signification of the “spiral of history”, which underlies Belyʼs conception, are considered in more details. It is claimed, that an appropriate qualification for the later philosophical, literary and theoretical works of Andrei Bely is the term “hermetic symbolism”.

Keywords: Andrei Bely, Rudolf Steiner, “The History of Formation of a Selfconscious Soul”, philosophy of culture, historiosophy, anthroposophy, meditation, esotericism, spiral of history, curve of history
For citation:

Schmitt Angelika. Andrei Bely’s experience of meditation as a key to his historiosophical conception of “self-conscious soul”. Literary fact, 2018, no. 10, pp. 267–292.


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