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- Abstract:
Lyrics of Russian Symbolism initially has a reflexive nature, which consists not only in the prevalence of philosophical lyricism and in the choice of predecessors, but also in understanding poetic feeling as a kind of cognitive experience, as well as in the process of specific sorting and cyclization, and then combining cycles into the whole of reflexive lyric autobiography. Exploring the lyrics as a form of thinking, Andrei Bely comes to his concept of “rhythmic gesture” and to the practice of calculating the “rhythmic curve”, which he builds not only for individual works, but also for whole lyric biographies, including his own. Nevertheless, the rhythmic curves of his own poems, made by Bely, were not previously published. Perhaps it was during the analysis of his own poems that Bely in the mid-1920s stumbled upon its future analytical method — the “middle line” method.
- Keywords: Russian Symbolism, meditative lyrics, rhythmics, Andrei Bely, Baranov-Rem curve.
- For citation:
Torshilov Dmitry. Lyrical autobiography: Andrei Bely’s analysis of his poems by means of the Baranov-Rem curve. Literary fact, 2018, no. 10, pp. 236–252.
- References:
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