- DOI:
- Issue:
- Abstract:
The article reflects the results of searches in Smolensk Region State Archive funds, undertaken in order to clarify information about Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov’s cooperation with the University of Smolensk. During the search it was found that in the initial period of the organization of the university in Smolensk Vyach. Ivanov was hired as a professor. Not previously published archival materials are introduced into scientific circulation, in particular the statement by Vyach. Ivanov on granting him the department of Greek literature with the application of a list of scientific papers.
- Keywords: Vyacheslav Ivanov, professor, Smolensk University.
- For citation:
Pavlova Larisa. Professor of a provincial university: on one episode from Vyacheslav Ivanov’s life. Literary fact, 2018, no. 10, pp. 196–209.
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