Author: Ioanna Delektorskaya
About the author:

Ioanna Delektorskaya, PhD, senior research associate, Pushkin State Museum (Andrei Bely Memorial Apartment), Moscow, Russia.

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The article discusses the mythological component of the book by Andrei Bely “An Habitation in the Kingdom of Shadows”, taken in the context of Bely's biography. The results, based on the analysis of the text and title of the book, show that in the book about his journey to Germany Andrei Bely, after living in Berlin and returning to Soviet Russia, builds a complicated autobiographical myth, based not only on some motives of Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek mythology, but also on Swift’s and Dante Alighieri’s traditions.

Keywords: Andrei Bely, “An Habitation in the Kingdom of Shadows”, Berlin, emigration, autobiography, myth-making, J. Swift, Dante Alighieri.
For citation:

Delektorskaya Ioanna. Andrey Bely’s myth-making in his book “An Habitation in the Kingdom of Shadows”. Literary fact, 2018, no. 10, pp. 166–172.


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